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"Jones Studio, how can I help you?" I said answering the phone.

"You can help explain to me how you haven't jumped Chris yet." Whitney's voice said filling my ear. I imagined her sitting at the desk by my office smiling her mischievous smile knowing she was annoying me.

"Whit, I'm working." I warned but she knew I was smiling from the other side.

"Okay, okay, but he's got to be hot. His voice is hot. I talked to him on the phone and I know he's hot." She told me, her words came at me at a million miles an hour.

"Is this all you had to call about?"

"No. Actually Sony wants to set a meeting with you."

"What! No!" I yelled shocked. The deal could be huge for us. It could be one that really helps set my company in further motion. If we could sign one deal with Sony, it could lead to hundreds more.

"Yeah, but there is a problem. Their representative can only meet sometime next week. We can have Macy meet with them."

"I want to meet with them. Sony is huge and I want to make sure this deal is in the bag."

"That's why I called you."

"How's the construction manager search going?"

"Well considering we put the application up five days ago, not very well."

"See if you can book me a flight this time this week."

"Okay Superwoman. But seriously how's Chris."

"He's his normal handsome happy person. It's nice to have friend down here."

"Yeah, I've heard a lot of good things about friends with benefits."

"No just friends. 100% Platonic."

"Okay, but you really think he doesn't like you like that?"

"I'm pretty positive Whit."

"Okay" She sang in a tone telling me she doesn't believe me.

"Anything fun down there?" Whitney questioned. I could picture her now with the phone between her ear and shoulder as she inspected her nails, or Facebook.

"I went shopping a little, didn't really see anything I couldn't live without. Well I did see a dress that really caught my eye, but it's to much. I wouldn't have anywhere to wear it too. It just didn't seem to be worth all that effort."

"Did you try it on?"


"Well then how do you know it's not worth it. Maybe it looks amazing on you!"

"I don't know, I don't need it."

"But you want it."

"Yeah, so. Wants and needs are different things Whit. I'm starting to feel like this conversation is about something different."

"No, I have no idea why you would think that Lucy. Oh, how's your mom and Cate?"

"My mom is doing great. Cate not so much. She's having a hard time with Alec. Oh by the way I talked to Crystal the other night and she says Hi."

"Alec is kind of a dick first off. And secondly I need to call Crystal. We need to all get together sometime. I got you a flight back here tomorrow. It's the cheapest option, you'll spend the weekend home, and then that Monday is the meeting I'll schedule. You'll have a flight back New Mexico Tuesday."

"You're amazing Whit."

"Yeah, tell Trevor that." She mentioned with biting sarcasm. Trevor is Whitney's boyfriend who can't seem to do anything right in her eyes.

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