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"And then she was all like, "I rest my case." Itadori says with a laugh. Megumi glared at the boy. Nobara snorted, trying to hold in her laughter as well.

"Everything was improv. No wonder I got agitated."

"Yeah, but it's not like we didn't do improv court before, and you aced it." Itadori defends. "What was the difference this time?"

Megumi stared at the empty yard and sighed. Wind blew, and the smell of rain caught his nose. Unlike everyone else, she irritated him.

"Yeah, well, it's going to be her last A."

"After she literally sent you stepping?" Itadori snickered, and Nobara couldn't hold it in any longer. She grappled onto Yuji, laughing silently.

"By the way, I'm firing you as a lawyer, Mr.Fushiguro. terrible display of feelings. These are very argumentative tactics, too."

Nobara carried on, "Oh yeah, and the leading questions."

"She lead, too."

"Her leading questions were actually just to get more info. Yours, on the other hand, was to get an answer to how you wanted your question to be answered." Itadori points out.


Nobara got serious. "Megumi... what was bothering you that you faltered? You're an amazing lawyer. Your strategies are always unbendable, and you always win. So what happened yesterday?"

Megumi got quiet. Then Yuji got serious.

"My father called me yesterday asking for money."

Silence. Nobara and Yuji exchanged glances. They've heard of his dad before, never really met him. But they know that every time Megumi mentions him, there's always tension.

"So I was agitated the entire time. So what. Threw me off the game."

Yuji didn't believe that, but Nobara did. "I have to...go. I'll catch you two later." Nobara got up and skipped off. Then there were two.

"Are you sure that's the reason why? Because I just can't see it. Doesn't matter what you're going through, you always win. You said so yourself that it makes your work even stronger."

"You can be so annoying sometimes, Yuji."

The man grinned. "Is it because I'm right?"


"Okay, so go on. Admit that you can actually lose a case."

Then Megumi smiled. "That's not the case."


"I made her win."

Itadori arched a brow. "Really?"

"Yeah, it was easy to win the case. Improv isn't hard. All I had to do was tell you the exact things I wanted you to say. But I didn't. Like I said, I made her win."

"So what if a next case comes along?"

He shrugs. "Like I said, it would be her last A."


"And he stormed out in shame." Y/N says with a smile.

"That's good, sweety." Her mother praises.

"The feeling was so amazing, mom. The adrenaline rush was like sugar."

"That's nice to hear. I'm glad you're having fun. Just focus on your studies, okay? And have fun but not too much fun."

"I will, Mama. Love you."

"Love you too."

Y/N hung up and celebrated again. She got up and sung to herself. Y/N stopped to her mini fridge and hummed.

"I should really stack up on wine and stuff." There was a loud pounding sound that made Y/N jump. There it was again, that muffled shouting. She knew it could only be one thing. Y/N closed the fridge door and shuffled over to her door.

She peaked through the door hole but couldn't see anything. She wants to know what's going on so badly. Y/N unlocked her door and slowly turned the know. Y/N carefully pulled her door open just a crack and peeked through.

She looked at the staircase and saw no one. But she can hear now.

"Do you even love me, Megumi?! You never call, you never text, and all you do is hang out with those two losers all day! You're not even saying anything now! Say something asshole!"

There were a few moments of silence before Y/N heard sobs. "Why are you never arguing with me? What kind of boyfriend just ignores his girlfriend?" Another sob.

"I hate you!" Y/N swallowed hard as she listened to the girl cry. Megumi still said nothing. All he did was watch her. Sometimes, he never knows what to say. Other times, he doesn't care enough to say anything. Yuji told him he had to be autistic in some way.

But it's true. If it's not Yuji or Nobara, he doesn't talk to anyone. Yuji and Nobara don't know why, either. And when he's in class, he's quiet. Only if they have a court practice, then he'll talk, but other than that, Megumi is just a quiet kid.

He doesn't care that much. Never did, never will.

"Can I come in Megumi? Please? We could talk about us. I just want my boyfriend back."

Y/N heard a kiss. Then...the door closed. Y/N opened her door fully and stepped out. The hallway is clear, and the stairway is too. She exhaled and went back inside, closing her door.

Y/N took a seat on her bed and heard the muffled moaning from the girl and knocking. She knows it's weird to listen in on people having sex, but she did anyway.

Y/N has never had sex with a guy, but she's no virgin. She only found out about sex and pleasure when she mistook a toy store for a candy shop. She was very excited to see the candy store due to her favorite candy being added in. But of course, her giddiness took her on a different path.

From there, she became crazy about it. Studying, and making notes. Watching different kinds of porn and by the day craving to be the one to be handled as good as the girls do in the video.

She's only ever used a vibrator. And sometimes... even that gets boring.

After two hours, it got quiet. Yes, she counted. Like a mad woman, Y/N wondered what it would take to be in a position like that one day. She didn't think people could even last that long.

Y/N laid back down and hugged her pillow. She closed her eyes and slipped her fingers past her pants and panty. Slipping two fingers inside of her, Y/N fingered herself.

Megumi ran through her mind. Him touching her and having sex with her instead.



𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒆𝒕 𝑩𝒐𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒓 / 𝑴𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝑭𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora