Chapter 83 - Family Drama (1)

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Valentina focused her gaze on the man who was supposed to be her father, trying to see if there was any similarity between this body of hers and him. She supposed if she looked hard, she could see a bit of herself in his slightly upturned eyes and the way her brow naturally arched. As she continued examining him, the man continued speaking cheerfully.

"Hello, my cute daughter. How could I miss your opening ceremony? I'm so proud of you my dear! I hope you don't mind my interruption but I brought everyone presents and I also brought a guest." He looked up and his hazel eyes swept the table before focusing on the director. "I am Antonio Salazar and this is Elena Piero's father, Marco Piero. He's a close friend of mine and wanted to see his daughter shine along with the rest of the cast. I hope you don't mind Director Loewe."

"Of course not Mr. Salazar please have a seat next to your daughter. I'll quickly have a seat brought out for Mr. Piero as well." Director Loewe quickly stood up and gestured for Antonio Salazar to sit.

Antonio Salazar slowly walked to where Aaliyah was sitting. As he sat down, he locked gazes with Valentina before giving her a cold look. Seeing his unwelcoming expression, she simply smiled mockingly before holding her drink up to him as a toast.

She then looked away and began talking to Christian Gale beside her as the table was reshuffled to accommodate the extra guests.

Antonio Salazar looked over at his birth daughter in surprise. From what he remembered, this child of his was gloomy and sickly, avoided eye contact, and was either sucking up to somebody or performing evil deeds. Even though she was born beautiful just like his wife, it was previously hidden under layers of ugly clothing, uglier makeup, and a dislikeable personality that was weak and pitiful in front of people while cruel to Aaliyah and servants in places nobody could see. Every move she made; every word she spoke made it clear that she was raised as a dirty commoner with no sense of morals. No matter how he looked at her, she brought disgrace to the Salazar family and he couldn't bear to have her in his home.

But she had changed.

The woman he was seeing before him seemed to be the complete opposite of before. She was elegantly dressed, smiled brightly, and seemed to have an inherent grace and charm as she moved around. Seeing her foxlike green eyes stare blankly at him as if he were a stranger, he was somehow reminded of his wife Evelynn when they were younger.

"Dad! Didn't you say you had a gift for everyone? Where is?" Aaliyah cheerfully asked as she playfully grabbed his arm and forced his attention on her instead of Valentina.

Hearing his favored daughter's voice, Antonio Salazar immediately snapped out of it and smiled as he sat down.

"Director, I hope you don't mind but I brought all the cast mates a little present to show my appreciation before your announcement. Of course, I brought one for you too."

"Oh? You didn't have to Mr. Salazar." Director Loewe quickly declined.

"Oh please. Call me Antonio. And just take it as my thanks since my treasured daughter will be in your care." As his words finished, Antonio clapped, and his assistant came forward with a large orange bag.

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