Part 23. Fire and the Storm

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Enkidu communicating

Tuna rescue





and yatta!

Also, This is partially done with the use of Black speech from tolkien for this, I just saw it fitting since enkidu can communicate with anyone.

Enkidu saw what was supposed to be Britain...

A sea of flames, flooded with beasts and zombies...

Enkidu felt fine now... Being in the sea of quanta was disorienting for someone who sensed the surrounding world by using the earth... And a place without a world of an earth was... difficult.

Enkidu continued falling into the world as enkidu touched the sea of flames in the ground... Flames that did nothing against Enkidu.

And began to walk calmly towards a zombie...

"Whaav occuruk? nalkriuk did gith ro avhiuk?" Said Enkidu, using the tongue of them.. [What happened, who did all of this?]

"Wha... Nalkriuk ayh lat?. Iav wauk god'uk new meukukager, ul ni nalkriuk ruleuk ovas ukaveel!" The zombie said a bit confused... was this person a zombie?.. a beast?... Perhaps a ruler? A herrscher... yeah... prolly. [what... It was our god's new messager! The one who rules over steel. ]

"Doeuk humaniavausan have ij place shal avheuke landuk?" Asked Enkidu... A new herrscher would be troublesome, but enkidu wished to asses damage. [Do humans remain in these lands?]

"Theausan nauk-ukav shal avhe fallen king'uk ciavy, Camelot." Said the beast, it prioritized responding to this great figure. [Huh? Yea, in the city of the fallen king, Camelot.]

"Fallen rulas... did avhe kaumn periukh?"  Asked Enkidu... A bit worried of knowing Mordred's father might have perished... [Fallen king you say... Did the king die?]

"Our new god'uk meukukagas killun naj-ri!" Said The zombie excited, almost bragging.[Yea, In a fierce battle our god's messager killed the king.]

"Agh... Nalkramal iuk our new rulas ?" Asked Enkidu...[And you say new messager?... but where is our new ruler?]

"Nauk-ukavaumn from baavavle ro couruke. avhankfulpak gith weaponuk from avhouke humanuk were eliminaavun"  The zombie was bragging at this point. [Resting from battle of course, thankfully we drove humanity's warriors back due to our ruler eliminating all of their weapons.]

"Nalkren greaav iav iuk. Buav avell alnej, nalkriuk kij jiak avo lat?"  Said Enkidu... A grim look overtook the zombie as it gripper its scythe... the honkai sending information... [Oh, Great... but do you know who I am?]

"Ayh lat. noav avhe ni nalkriuk ruleuk ovas avoxinuk agh naavure?. Jiak ukee. An armauk. Buav before lat drepa alnej. anukwas alnej, nalkroro did lat ukpeak wiavh alnej? " The zombie was confused... greatly.[Huh... Are you not... the one who rules over nature... no... Ah... An enemy... Why do you know our tongue? Why did you speak to me?...]

"Becauuke lat nevas aavavackun alnej " Said Enkidu, as it was true.[Because you never attacked me.]

"Lat ayh ukavrange, shara"  Said the zombie..[You are strange... human.]

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