Chapter 41

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—————Damian's POV: —————

"Why are you doing this again?" I asked, watching as Percy struggled to knit a massive blanket using only her hands and a video. Her phone set on a slant as she watched the woman with such intensity she almost looked like Jon when he used his laser vision.

"I told you, I just wanted to do it for fun!" Percy said, her voice defensive before she got started on another row.

The two of us sat on my floor, the tv in my room was on and was playing home alone, a movie I had no preference for but one Percy had demanded we put on.

She'd come to my room two hours ago, a duffel bag I didn't recognize in hand and a look of determination on her face. Of course I'd let her in, it had become a habit now for her to come to my room once she finished studying with Tim.

Oftentimes the two of us would just sit and read, other times we'd play video games or even on the rare times I'd help her with topics she was still frustrated on. On those times I'd bring in Alfred the cat, and he would sit on her lap while she pet him gently and I helped her with whatever it was that she needed help on.

So when she appeared at my door, a tank top and some sweatpants on, I found nothing new and let her in. She plopped herself on the ground. I merely just took a seat beside her.

"Where did you get all that yarn from again?" I asked. She didn't even look over at me as she spoke.

"Amanda gave it to me." She said, I nodded, moving my legs from a criss cross position to extending them out in front of me.

I watched as she worked diligently, her normally free hair had been pulled back into a messy ponytail though it was doing little to keep her hair out the way. Her eyes were focused on her hands as she worked carefully.

I couldn't help but smile slightly as she worked.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Percy froze, her head turning to the door like she was in a horror movie.

"What?" I asked, her eyes looked from the door to me.

"Master Damian, can I come in?" Alfreds voice spoke up.


"no!" Percy said, my head turning to her. Her eyes were wide as she shook her head quickly.

I furrowed my brows but agreed to play along. "Sorry Alfred, can you give me a second?" I asked.

"Is Percy in there?" I looked to Percy and she nodded.

"Uhh yeah, she is."

It went quiet for a second before he spoke again.

"Alright, I shall be back in a minute." I could hear his footsteps walk off. I turned back to Percy to see her visibly relax, her panic gone now.


"I lied." She said quickly, immediately looking around for something. Her eyes settled on my throw blanket. She scrambled to her feet as she rushed over and tossed it over her project.

"What do you mean you lied?" I mean, I knew she lied. Her excuse of just because wasn't fooling anyone.

"This is a gift for Alfred. It's for-" she lowered her voice. "christmas." She sighed, "I just didn't want to spoil the surprise."

I smiled and shook my head. "You could've just told me you know, I wouldn't have said anything anyways." I quickly got to work helping her hide everything from view.

"I know it's just..." she paused thinking over her next words carefully. "I want everything to be a bigger surprise." She said, "I'm really thankful for you guys, you have no idea, so if I can repay everyone for everything they did I'm gonna try and do it." She looked up at me with a small smile and I realized then that she didn't want to tell me because she'd also gotten me a gift.

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