Chapter 40

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————— Percy's POV: —————

Did I feel bad about lying to everyone? Incredibly.

Would I get over it? Absolutely.

As I stood outside my job, my foot tapping against the floor while I waited, I started to feel really bad.

It had started when I told Alfred I was going to spend the night with one of my swim friends, something that made Alfred nearly glow. Damian had asked who because I'd forgotten to cancel the movie we were gonna watch that night and I made sure to tell him it was the girl he often found me talking to, her name being Amanda, a girl with long brown hair and dark brown eyes.

I'd had Alfred drop me off in front of my job, meet my manager who had no idea she was being used as a replacement for the mother of Amanda, before Alfred left, thinking I was going to go and eat with Amanda before going to her place.

Instead, I was going back to camp, so I'd whistled as loud as I could for black Jack and began waiting.

It wasn't dark yet luckily so I had time to relax and get back in town hopefully by the next morning.

The reason I needed to get to camp was because with the holidays coming up quickly, I needed to buy everyone a gift and luckily with my rep at camp, I was able to get some pretty good deals when it came to specially made items. I had quite a bit of stuff that I needed to get so I brought my larger backpack and filled it with my uniform and pjs. I would just stay over night at camp, leave my pjs there and leave earlier in the morning so as to get to school on time.

I perked up when I heard the sounds of wings flapping. My smile grew as I looked up just in time to hear a "hey Boss!" Black Jack landed in front of me, his mane was well maintained and his coat looked amazing. I smiled as I walked over and began petting him muzzle.

"Hey Black Jack! It's good to see you, the flight wasn't too bad I hope."

Black Jack shook his head and stamped his front hood proudly. "Never boss!" I smiled and pulled out some sugar cubes I'd nabbed from the cafe during my shift. He happily ate them off my flattened palm.

Once he was finished I pulled myself up onto back, grabbing onto his mane carefully before he began rising up before taking off towards camp.


We landed with a thud, my body jolting forward as it usually did.

The first thing that hit me was the smell of sweet strawberries that perpetually filled the air. I smiled as I shut my eyes for a moment, letting it all sink in.

"Percy!" I opened my eyes Travis was running over, a smile clear on his face. I smiled as I hoped off Black Jack and extended my arms as he gave me a hug. Not far behind him was Connor who also joined in as we laughed.

"Hey guys!" I said happily, the cheer in my voice noticeable even to myself. The three of us pulled together before I was released. Travis and Connor were a bit taller than me, but not by much. Both of them were mimicking each other by keeping their hands on their waists.

"Have you come to help us with pranking people?" Connor asked excitedly, clapping his hands together before rubbing them together evilly. I smirked and shook my head.

"Unfortunately not tonight, I've come to pick some stuff up." I watched them both deflate before pepping right back up and standing at my sides. I waved to Black Jack as he nodded and walked off. I'd make sure to get him more sugar cubes later.

"What're you picking up?" They asked almost in sync. I smiled and began walking, the two following me.

"Some gifts." I began heading in the direction of the hephaestus cabin.

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