part 13

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Namjoon was sitting in the living room, going through a file regarding today's meeting. His eyebrows were bended in a frown due to focus, having glasses on his eyes and a pen in his hand. His focus was diverted by the voice of his husband who came in
Living room with his tea after breakfast.

Jin handed him the cup and recieve a thank you in return. He sat beside namjoon sipping his own tea. Both of them sigh at the taste before namjoon killed the silence.

NJ: Tomorrow is the court hearing.

SJ: (soft smile slowly fades away) yeah, I remember. He will have to pay for what he did.

NJ: He will surely. Seojoo! Call me las--- (he was cutt off by the ringing sound of phone)

Namjoon glanced at the phone and a frown formed on his forehead. He quickly place the cup on the table and pick the mobile from the table which was showing the I'd of the bodyguard appointed outside yn's room in hospital.

As soon as he picked up the call, he quickly stood up from the sofa and run towards the door followed by a worried jin with  teary eyes.


Taehyung was in washroom taking shower meanwhile jungkook was taking out his outfit.

His focus wasn't on selecting the outfit for his husband, instead he was busy in thinking what he is gonna do today.

He doesn't want to disobey his husband bcz he knows he can bear anything in his world but not the disappointment and distance from his husband.

His husband is his life and jungkook can't afford to lose him bcz he has already tasted it once and he is completely aware that how awfully it tastes.

Jungkook knows that if he wants to isolate himself from his friends than he will have to explain his side to them. And is sure that his friends will understand him.

They always have and he knows that they will do it now too, this is the reason that he cherish his friends so much and laim is one of them too.

Though he is unaware of the snake hidden inside that fake angelic behaviour.

His friends are gonna surely support him in his marriage life too, they are surely gonna understand his immense love and unbelievable trust of him on his husband.

But he just has to make laim understand this as taehyung has mentioned him only, though he knows laim is very understanding and sensible man and he is gonna be ok with jk's decision.

Only if he knows ~~

His chain of thoughts was broken by the opening of bathroom door and the sight of taehyung coming out within a bathrobe came in veiw make jungkook forgets everything for a moment but --- control jungkook control don't be obvious

Though he has already noticed the knowing smirk on taehyung's lips and --------- yeah, he was caught staring more like gwaking at his husband.

With a heavy heart jungkook bid his husband a good-bye. He doesn't know why is he feeling heavy and restless in his heart. It's just a meeting right?

It's not his  first time that he is meeting laim than why this dirty feeling?

Maybe this is bcz it's the first time in seven months of his marriage that he is hiding something from his husband.

Later on, he declared the reason of his restlessness , a guilt, a guilt of keeping this meeting secret from his husband.


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