Chapter 45

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Jimin's POV

I'm at the hospital, waiting for the doctor to check me up. Today, I came to finally find out whether I ended up with a pup or not after our heated cycles three weeks ago. 

I kept staring at myself in the mirror this morning and I think my stomach isn't that flat anymore. It might have been because of the breakfast, but I won't lose hope just yet.

I can't lie and say that I would be relieved if it turned out I'm not pregnant. I know that's what I originally wanted, but now the thought of actually carrying my alphas' pup sends a warm feeling right into my chest. 

I'd love it more than anything. As I imagine myself wobbling around with a round belly, a giddy smile spreads on my face. After all, I'm no better than other omegas. I'm just like them. 

But it isn't bothering me anymore. My alphas love me the way I am and that's the only thing that matters. I haven't told them where I was coming today because I want it to be a surprise in case the doctor tells me good news. 

There is a lot I want to tell my alphas tonight. It's time to stop postponing my stalker situation and finally show them the notes. Thankfully, there have been just two so far, but you can never be too sure. I still remember how the last one shook me. 

I wouldn't be even surprised if my sudden heat was caused by an outburst of emotions. I don't have a proper reason why haven't I let the alphas know yet, but over time the threat didn't feel so real anymore. Especially, since I haven't received any more creepy pictures or notes. 

But I really don't want to keep it to myself anymore. In case it's something serious, I want my alphas to be aware of it. No one will be able to help me better than them. After all, they basically own this city.

"Mr. Park, you're next." I enter the doctor's office with a fluttering heart.


I dial Yoongi's number because I'm unable to contain my joy. This might be one of the happiest days in my life, there is no way I can keep it secret until evening.

"Jimin, where have you been-"

"Yoongi, you won't believe what news I have." I cut him off, the smile never leaving my face. My one hand lands on my still flat stomach that I know soon will grow.

"What happened?"

"In less than five months, you and Hobi will become dads." The silence falls on the other line and I giggle to myself. He must have lost the ability to speak from happiness. "You were right! I'm pregnant."

I'm leaving the hospital and plan to directly go home. 

"Holy Goddess! No way, Jimin." Yoongi's voice raises a few octaves higher than usual. I can sense how happy he is all the way from here. "Fuck, this is the best news in my entire life. Wait, I'm conferencing a call with Hobi. He'll lose his shit when hears about it."

I throw my head back, laughing at how joyful my alpha sounds. "Yeah, call him too. I didn't know which one to call first so I just dialed my boss' number."

I say cheekily. I'm already in front of my car, unlocking it. "By the way, you owe me a new car. This Bugatti is too tiny and low for me. I'll have trouble getting in soon."

"I'll get you any car you want, baby." Yoongi reassures me without missing a beat and I smile at it. 

Before I get a chance to open the door, I notice the shadow behind me. It gets closer and closer.

I abruptly turn around, my heartbeat accelerating. I breathe a sigh of relief when recognize the newcomer. It's Narae, one of the girls from Escort. We aren't besties but at least she isn't a creepy stalker.

"Hey, what are you doing here-" 

She crowds me against my car, leaving no space between our bodies. I gulp down when feel a cold metal digging in my lower belly, right where my baby must be. 

The sweat rolls down my forehead as I stare at the female with widened eyes. She points at the phone that I'm griping in my hand and wordlessly tells me to get rid of it. When I make a movement to put it to my ear again, she presses the gun harder into my stomach and I want to cry and beg her not to hurt my baby. 

"Hang up if you don't want to die right here." She whispers, her minty breath hitting my face. At that moment she has such a ruthless look in her eyes, I don't doubt she'll keep her promise. 

I can distantly hear Yoongi calling my name from the other side, but I wordlessly hang up and she snatches the device from my hand, stuffing it into the pocket of her coat. 

Then she leans to hug me with a free hand while I barely hold myself from bursting into tears.

"I'm hugging you to make it look natural. When I pull away, you'll smile at me like we're best friends and you'll follow me to my car without making the scene, or I swear by the Moon Goddess I'll shoot you right on this parking lot and leave before anyone chases me. Don't fuck with me, Jimin. I'll kill you."

"I g-got it." I whisper back to her, still shaking like a leaf. When she lets me go, I muster a weak smile while she's grinning at me like a psychopath. 

Has she always been like this and I have never noticed? What is even going on?

"Why are you-"

"I don't have time for your questions, come with me or else..." 

I'll die

I can't risk especially now that I know I have to fight not just for me. Once I'm in her car, she handcuffs me and hisses not to move. I do my best not to panic, but it's pointless, my whole body is tensed as hell and I'm scared for my life. 

"Oh, I nearly forgot." She turns to me from the driver's seat and hits me with the back of her gun in the head. I don't remember anything after that as the darkness consumes me.


A/N: A sad chapter since we said goodbye to all our boys. Already miss them all 😭😭

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