Chapter 42

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Seokjin's POV

I don't know why I agreed to attend the celebratory party held by the two biggest conglomerates, but Jimin sounded so persistent over the call, that I couldn't say no. He said he wanted his closest friends to share this success with them.

Thankfully, I managed to find a babysitter for Nabi, otherwise, I wasn't planning to come. I already miss her.

The merging announcement shook the Business World to the core. Those who weren't aware of it beforehand bore losses. Two companies stocks skyrocketed. They won a lot by the merging.

The party is held in Min's residence. The mansion reminds me more of a Palace. I arrived just a few minutes ago and spent all this time trying to get to the ballroom where the majority of guests must be. There are several other areas open for visitors which are less crowded.

"Excuse me, where can I find the hosts of this party?" I stop next to the couple who are in the middle conversation.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" The man raises a brow at me dismissively. He's an alpha I can say from attitude.

"I'm a family friend." I say, hiding my irritation the best I can.

"I don't recall you from any previous events. Is this your first time attending-"

"I'm sorry but how exactly is that relevant? I asked you a simple question." I also cross my arms over my chest, narrowing eyes at the jerk.

"I wouldn't recommend you showing attitude when you're just party crasher. I can just call security and you'll be thrown out just in a-"

Anger rises inside me and I'm just seconds away from punching this douchebag. But before I make a fatal mistake, someone clears their throat behind me.

"Is there any problem?"

This deep voice and scent I  can recognize anywhere. Namjoon steps by my side, addressing the rude man.

"Yes, Mr. Kim. This omega came here uninvited. You should deal with him. His place isn't here."

Arrogant prick.

"Oh, I see. Mind sharing what made you think so?" Namjoon's voice is calm and unwavering. It sets me at ease.

"I have never seen him before." The alpha says confidently like that's iron proof. He's in his late fifties. The majority of his hair is gray and he has a beer belly which makes his body look like a ball on legs. I cringe.

"Well, personally I think it would be better for everyone if you left, Mr. Han." Namjoon offers the man a polite smile as he stares at him dumbfounded.

"M-me? Why?"

"Because you disrespected my..." He briefly glances at me before finishing. But even that one second is enough to set my body on fire. "Guest."

"Mr. Kim-"

"Please leave now, Mr. Han. I don't want to be forced to call guards."

The man's nostrils flare. He throws one last glare at me before storming away with his companion.

"Wow, that was impressive." I comment and turn to the alpha. "However, there was no need for it. I'm no damsel in distress, Mr. Kim. I don't need a knight in shining armor to come to rescue me."

"A simple thank you would have been enough."

I shake my head and turn around to leave but the alpha stops me, tugging on my sleeve. "The ballroom is that way."

"Alright, thanks." I move in the direction he pointed at and can feel the alpha hot on my heel. What does he want? "Can I help you with anything, Mr. Kim?"

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