Chapter 18

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Taehyung's POV

I didn't think I would end up in the most exclusive level of the mall on a random Saturday accompanied by my best friend and his overbearing clients. Me and Jimin walk in front of them, while they follow us like the bodyguards.

At first, it was weird, but then I got swooned by all the beauty in front of me and forgot about them.

The grandeur of the high-end stores overwhelms me and Jimin. I know he is just as fascinated with all of this as me considering the awe-look he has plastered on his petite face. He gazes at the intricate displays, the shimmering designer labels, and the impeccable pieces of clothing showcased in every corner. The richness of the fabrics and the gleam of precious metals catch our attention, drawing us in like a moth to a flame.

We giggle pointing at different stores, undecisive where to go first. I finally drag him to the Gucci store that I have passed plenty of times before but never had the funds to visit.

"Wait! To make this clear," I abruptly stop on the threshold, turning to the alphas who shift their attention to me. I've noticed their eyes are always on Jimin otherwise. "You two will pay for everything Jimin and I will buy and there is no spending limit?"

"Yes, you two can spoil yourself. No limits." Hoseok tells me with a polite smile and I have to admit this alpha is even more handsome when he smiles.

"I understand why you're paying for Jimin. He pretends to be your boyfriend etc. But why would you spend your money on me? We're literally strangers. What's the catch?" I ask crossing arms over my chest. I'm no naive omega anymore. I know alphas always want something in return.

"Tae, there is no catch." Jimin tugs on my sleeve. My baby chick still has a pure heart and believes that people just want to do something good for others due to their good intentions. He hasn't been burned as many times as I have.

"There is always a catch, Jiminie."

"Jimin is right." It's Yoongi this time. He also crosses arms over his chest, looking at me intensively. "There is no catch. We are doing this because we want to. You don't have to overthink it, just enjoy shopping with your best friend."

I raise my brows at him. Who does he think he is to tell me what to do? He is the complete opposite of Hoseok who has impeccable manners. He gives me rich asshole vibes, but according to Jimin he's, and I quote, "a real cutie pie". I think my friend will need to have his head checked once he's done with these two.

"We just wanted to get to know you, Taehyung." Hoseok steps in, offering me his dimpled smile. I think I developed a crush on this alpha. He's literally gorgeous. "Jimin talks about you nonstop. We thought it would be nice to finally meet you in person."

"Alright, if you say so." I bat my lashes at him and a second later, Jimin turns me around and drags inside the store. "Hey, easy you hellcat. You know I have tender skin." I hiss at Jimin, who just glares at me in his adorable manner.

"Quit flirting with Hoseok." He whisper-yells at me so the alphas can't hear him.

"Why? Are you calling dibs on him? Or should I say on them?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him, loving the way Jimin's face heats up and he glances back to make sure alphas aren't close to us.

"No, that would be stupid! They're already taken if you forgot. Plus it's weird when you flirt with Hobi."

"But he's so irresistible." I sigh, looking back at Hoseok dreamily only to be blocked by Jimin again. He turns my head to him and I can't help but smile. He's so cute when jealous. I think my bestie is a lost cause.

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