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As Khwaahish entered her room, the flickering memories of the bonfire and the teasing from everyone played in her mind. The way Armaan had looked at her, making her feel a mix of nervousness and emotions, was etched in her memory. A constant smile adorned her face as she lay down on her bed, relishing the beautiful moments of the evening.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, her phone began to ring, interrupting her reverie. Seeing the caller's name, her smile widened, but nervousness quickly crept in. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. Taking a deep breath, she answered the call.

Khwaahish: Hello?

Armaan: feeling better now. The shower didn't give you a fever, did it?

Khwaahish(hesitantly): No, I'm feeling better, but I'll eat if I feel the need to.

Armaan - suno..

she hummed

Armaan (smiling): Calm your heartbeats, Khwaahish.

Khwaahish (smiling and closing her eyes): It might take some time, sir

Armaan (chuckled): Take all the time you need..........listen, I'm on the terrace right now. If you feel like it, you can join me.

Khwaahish's heart skipped a beat at his invitation, her smile growing wider. She took a moment to compose herself before responding.

Khwaahish: I'll be few minutes

Armaan : I'm waiting..............forever

Their conversation ended, leaving Khwaahish with a mix of excitement and anticipation. She quickly freshened up and made her way to the terrace. As she stepped into the night, the gentle breeze whispered sweet promises, and the stars seemed to twinkle with delight.

Khwaahish entered the terrace, her eyes immediately falling upon Armaan leaning against the door. In her hand, she held a steaming cup of coffee. A smile spread across Armaan's face as he saw her, and he reached for his own mug.

Bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, they stood together, savoring the beautiful moment. Khwaahish mustered up the courage to take a step closer, her heart yearning to hold his hand. But nervousness and fear gripped her, making her hesitate.

Armaan, sensing her unease, chuckled teasingly, breaking the tension between them. 

Armaan:"You know, Kanak would have embraced me without a second thought. What's with the hesitation?" (he playfully remarked).

Setting his mug aside, Armaan gently moved closer to Khwaahish, his hands reaching out to hold hers. In that tender moment, he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, filling her with warmth and reassurance. Their bodies melted into a comforting embrace, a silent affirmation of their love and connection.

As they held each other, their eyes locked in a sea of emotions, Armaan gently asked the question that had been haunting him.

Armaan: "Why did you think I loved Kanak, Khwaahish?"

Khwaahish, with tears streaming down her face, mustered the strength to answer.

Khwaahish: "It was just a gut feeling, Armaan. Sometimes, our fears cloud our judgment, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you to someone else."

Armaan's heart ached as he realized the pain and doubt Khwaahish had endured. He took a deep breath, his voice filled with sincerity.

Armaan: " listen to me carefully. I broke off the engagement with Kanak because I realized that my heart belonged to you. It was in your eyes that I saw love and a connection that I couldn't deny. I can't betray my own soul, which has found its home in your presence."

Tears continued to flow down Khwaahish's cheeks, but this time, they held a glimmer of hope. She spoke with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

Khwaahish: " I am warning you now. I've been hurt before, and I can't bear to have my heart broken again. Promise me that you won't break my heart this time."

Armaan, moved by her plea, closed the distance between them, their foreheads touching in an intimate gesture.

Armaan: "I'm laying myself bare before you, Khwaahish. Whatever path you choose, whether it's to love me or to test me, it's your decision to make. I am at your mercy. My existence revolves around you, and my heart's rhythm beats only for you. You understand the true essence of 'armaan' and 'khwahish'it's desire and wish. we both are one in every context "meri khwaahish sirf tum ho , or tumhara armaan mai"
(My wish is only you, and I'm your desire)

Then his phone vibrate for attending the call he answered it , while khwaahish was so much involved in her emotions that she's just seeing moon ...

After cutting the call..he came

Khwahish- isn't the moon is so beautiful today ?

Armaan(chuckled) - I want those three words mam, i don't know what that phrase means 

Khwaahish(embarassed)- i was just saying's not like that.

Armaan(seeing in her eyes) -i'm waiting khwahish ahuja.

Khwaahish (whispers): for what ? 

Armaan : humse pyar karti hain aap? ya nhi.(do you love me?)

listening directly from his mouth and just seeing in his eyes

Khwaahish(whispers) : aapse pyar humne kab nhi kiya.(When did I not love you?)

armaan come closer and encircled her waist pulling towards him , khwahish hands was on his chest ..her face was so close to him .

Armaan(whisper) :humse pyar hai ya nhi khwahish ahuja ? (you love me or not khwahish ahuja?)

the intensity of his voice made khwahish breathless , she closes her eyes

Khwaahish(whispers) : hai(yes)

Armaan (smiled): hume sunayi nhi diya(I didn't hear)

Khwaahish(whisper) : bohot pyar karte hai aapse ...uss waqt bhi or aaj bhi (I love you so much... then and now)

Khwaahish, gathering every ounce of courage, turned to face Armaan. She silenced the rational voices in her mind that urged her to stop, to think about the consequences. 

Her eyes, filled with a mix of fear and longing, slowly met his, and then her gaze fell to his lips

Armaan's lips drew closer to hers, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat with anticipation. Khwaahish's mouth went dry as she watched him. His fingers brushed away the stray strands of hair that framed her face, and his lips met hers in a rush.They closed their eyes in unison.

This kiss was unlike their first; it was filled with desperation, maddening desire, and an undeniable love. Armaan, like a magnet drawn to iron, turned to her. His hands held her face firmly but tenderly, allowing his mouth to savor the taste of hers without restraint.

In that moment, sanity was abandoned, and unfulfilled longings took the reins. The world around them faded into insignificance. All they heard were their ragged breaths and the sensual sounds of their mouths moving fervently against each other's.

Khwaahish had never experienced anything like this before. It was as if someone had set her on fire. She felt like the center of a whirlwind, and she reveled in it. Every inch of her skin felt exposed and touched. His lips moved sensually against hers, and she responded with equal intensity. Her hands gripped his forearms tightly, as if holding on for dear life.

finally both confessed....

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take care and stay blessed

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