Unveiling Truths

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As the party came to an end, the Dream House team basked in the joy and satisfaction of a job well done. Khwahish, along with her team, couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as they received praises and appreciation for their exceptional work.

Amidst the celebration, Armaan's eyes were drawn to something that piqued his curiosity and concern. He noticed the tablet that Khwahish had taken earlier, lying innocently on a nearby table. Unable to ignore his instincts, he picked it up, his heart sinking as he recognized the name of the medication.

Armaan: "Anxiety and depression medication?"

A wave of shock washed over him as he realized the implications of Khwahish relying on such medication. He couldn't bear the thought of her silently struggling with her mental health while he remained oblivious to her pain. Determined to understand the truth, he turned to his phone and searched for more information about the medication.

As he read about its purpose and the challenges faced by those with anxiety and depression, a profound mix of emotions surged within him. Regret, guilt, and a deep desire to protect and support Khwahish enveloped his being. He knew he couldn't confront this alone; he needed to share his discovery with someone who could help.

The night was restless for Armaan. The revelation of Khwahish's struggles with anxiety medication had left him in a state of turmoil. He couldn't shake off the shock and concern that had gripped him since their conversation.

As the hours ticked away, Armaan found himself sitting alone in his dimly lit office, his laptop open before him. He was determined to understand the depths of what Khwahish might be going through. He searched for information about the medication she was taking, delving into articles, forums, and personal stories shared by individuals facing similar challenges.

The more he read, the more his heart ached. He learned about the internal battles that people with anxiety and depression faced daily—the crippling self-doubt, the overwhelming fear, and the silent struggle to appear normal on the surface. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a world of emotions and pain that he had been unaware of.

Armaan couldn't bear the weight of his newfound knowledge about Khwahish's struggles, and his desperation led him to saina's doorstep. Determined to find answers and help Khwahish, he traveled to Pune from Mumbai overnight, his heart consumed with worry.

As the morning sun slowly illuminated the surroundings, Saina awoke to the persistent ringing of her doorbell. Still groggy, she opened the gate, only to be taken aback by Armaan's unexpected presence.

Saina(angry): "What are you doing here?"

Armaan, his voice trembling with urgency, pleaded with saina for her help.

Armaan: "I need to know what's going on with Khwahish's health. Please, saina, I can't bear to see her suffer alone."

Saina, initially resistant to his presence, saw the genuine concern etched on Armaan's face. Realizing that his intentions were sincere, she relented and allowed him inside her flat.

Once inside, Armaan showed saina the anxiety and depression medication, his eyes brimming with tears. Saina's heart sank as she comprehended the depth of Khwahish's pain.

Saina: "Armaan, there's so much you need to understand. Khwahish has endured unimaginable humiliation and torment. It has taken a toll on her mental health."

As Saina shared the painful truth with Armaan, his tears flowed freely, each drop carrying the weight of his remorse. The realization of his unwitting contribution to Khwahish's suffering shook him to the core. Armaan's eyes widened in shock, his heart breaking for the pain when he heard that she tried to kill herself at a moment.

Armaan wiped away his tears, his resolve firm.

Armaan: "I won't let Khwahish fight this battle alone any longer. We'll be there for her, Saina , every step of the way."

Saina retrieved a slip of paper and handed it to Armaan, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and hope.

Saina: "This is the contact information for Khwahish's psychologist. They have been instrumental in guiding her through these challenging times. I believe it would be helpful for you to reach out and gather more information."

Armaan accepted the slip of paper, his fingers trembling slightly. He understood the gravity of the moment and the importance of getting Khwahish the professional help she deserved.

Armaan: "Thank you, saina. I will contact the psychologist and try to understand more about Khwahish's situation. We need to ensure she receives the support she needs."

Saina nodded in agreement, her gaze unwavering.

Saina: "Why did you break her heart, Armaan? If you can't bear to see her like this, then why did you do it? Why?"

Armaan's eyes filled with sorrow, knowing that he couldn't reveal the full truth to saina. He understood her pain and frustration, but the secrets he carried were meant to protect Khwahish.

Armaan: "saina, I had my reasons. I can't disclose everything to you, but please believe me when I say it was for her safety. I'm truly sorry."

Saina, though hurt by Armaan's response, recognized the sincerity in his voice. She understood that there were complexities surrounding Khwahish's past and the decisions made. Despite her lingering resentment, she chose to offer him some understanding.

Saina: "I know I may not fully understand, but I trust that you have your reasons. Just promise me, Armaan, that you won't break her heart again. She deserves happiness and stability."

Armaan, tears glistening in his eyes, nodded silently, acknowledging the weight of saina's plea. He understood the importance of not repeating past mistakes and the impact they could have on Khwahish's fragile heart.

With a heavy sigh, Armaan wiped away his tears and prepared to take his leave. Saina's questioning had reopened wounds he thought had healed, but he knew he had a mission to fulfill.

Saina, her voice softened by a hint of compassion, couldn't help but ask the question lingering in her mind.

Saina: "Armaan, do you love her? Truly?"

Armaan's lips curled into a bittersweet smile, his heart filled with a mix of joy and pain. He didn't need words to answer saina's question, as his smile spoke volumes. With a final glance at saina, he turned and left, carrying the weight of his unspoken love for Khwahish with him.

Days turned into weeks, and Armaan dedicated himself to understanding Khwahish's struggles and supporting her journey toward healing.

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