A Glimpse of Serendipity

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Armaan's pov:-

Armaan leaned against the wall,The vibrant lights of the fresher party illuminated the room, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the excited faces of the students. It was meant to be a night of celebration, a time for friendship and new beginnings.

He had arrived at the party with his friends, ready to let loose and forget the burdens of his daily life. As he mingled with the crowd, his eyes scanned the room, taking in the laughter and conversations that filled the air. And then, amidst the noise, he saw her.

A beam of radiance, she stood on the stage, her eyes fixed on the sea of faces before her. Her name, he would later discover, was khwahish, a fresher with a talent for poetry that could move hearts and stir souls. But in that moment, Armaan knew nothing of her name or her talents. All he could see were her eyes, shining like twin stars in the night sky.

He watched, captivated, as Khwahish began reciting her poetry. Her voice carried a delicate strength, weaving words into an enchanting tapestry that enveloped the room. The words resonated with him on a level he had never experienced before. Each line seemed to peel back layers of his stoic exterior, revealing a vulnerability he had long tried to bury.

Time seemed to stand still as Khwahish continued to speak, her eyes locked with his, as if they were the only two people in the room. The applause that erupted at the end of her performance shattered the fragile connection they had established. The thunderous sound startled Armaan back to reality, and he felt a sudden rush of emotions surge within him.

Confusion mingled with desire, a potent cocktail that overwhelmed his senses. He had always prided himself on his resilience, his ability to remain composed even in the most challenging situations. But this was different. This was unexpected, uncharted territory that he was ill-equipped to navigate.

Unable to bear the weight of his emotions, Armaan excused himself from the party. The cool night air offered some respite as he stepped outside into the solitude of the campus grounds. He found solace in the moonlit pathways, taking long strides as he tried to make sense of what had transpired.

Armaan had always been a man of action, unafraid to face any challenge head-on. But Kavya had stirred something deep within him, something that threatened to unravel the carefully constructed walls he had built around his heart. He was torn between staying and confronting his newfound vulnerability or retreating to the safety of the familiar.

As he walked, thoughts and emotions battled for dominance in his mind. Armaan was a man of few words, and yet Khwahish's poetry had reached depths he had long ignored.

Armaan reentered the vibrant room, his gaze now focused on Khwahish, who had stepped down from the stage. Their eyes met once more, and in that fleeting moment, memories of their first encounter flooded back, the sharpness of her words etched into his mind. He tried to push those thoughts aside, reminding himself that people could surprise you, that there was more to her than he had initially perceived.

Just as he was about to say something, Adwait approached them with a quizzical expression on his face. "Armaan, what are you doing here? I thought you needed some air."

Armaan's mind raced, searching for a way to divert Adwait's attention without revealing the truth. "I just needed a moment, but I realized I was being silly. Let's enjoy the party, man."

Adwait shrugged, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Alright then, let's have some fun!"

As the night carried on, Armaan found himself drawn to the girl, unable to resist stealing glances in her direction. There was an undeniable spark between them, a magnetic pull that seemed to defy reason. then he saw her sister is coming with her friends including her.

Ridaanshi nudged Armaan, her voice laced with excitement. "bhai ..meet my friends khwahish my room mate and saina my friend...they both are your juniors ..same branch "

"Really? That's quite a coincidence," Armaan replied, his voice laced with nonchalance. "But I think I'll pass, ridaanshi. I'm not really in the mood for introductions right now."

Adwait gave him an incredulous look. "Come on, man! You've been so closed off lately. I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to meet your juniors , let me introduce myself .. hii , adwait nayak , electrical engineer last year "

Summoning his resolve, Armaan met adwait's gaze, his voice firm. "my juniors knows me adwait , i don't need introduction ...both are working under my project ..so Let's just enjoy the party, alright?"

he clapped Armaan on the shoulder. "Alright, buddy. let's go!!", (sensing something is wrong with him)

Khwahish's POV:

As the night wore on, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within me. I had been thrilled to perform at the fresher party and share my poetry with everyone. When Ridaanshi introduced Armaan as her brother,  shock was evident. I had heard stories about him, the infamous "devil" and "khadoos" that people referred to, but Ridaanshi had vouched for her brother's goodness, so maybe there was more to him than his reputation suggested.However, as HE engaged with us, I couldn't shake the feeling of being brushed off. I couldn't understand why someone would be so dismissive of meeting new people, especially when they were working together on a project.My frustration grew as i observed the stark contrast between him and his friend, Adwait sir . Adwait sir  appeared polite, approachable, and genuinely interested in getting to know them. 

I tried my best to focus on enjoying the party and connecting with other students, but my mind kept drifting back to Armaan. His presence seemed to pull me in, even though his demeanor pushed me away.
When the party finally began to wind down, Khwahish realized that she hadn't seen Armaan and his friends for a while. As she was about to leave with Ridaanshi and Saina, she noticed Armaan standing alone near the exit, seemingly lost in thought.A part of me wanted to approach him, to understand the enigmatic man who had captivated me, but another part held me back. I wasn't sure if I could handle his dismissive attitude again or if I was ready to deal with the complexities that might come with knowing someone like him.

With a sigh, Khwahish decided to leave the party with her friends. As they walked away, she stole one last glance at Armaan. In that moment, she saw something different  in his eyes, and it tugged at her heartstrings. She wondered what it would take to break through the walls he had built around himself, to discover the person hiding behind the tough exterior.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing......

Have a great day ahead

Be positive and spread love 

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