43. Shocked

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Everyone except Yoongi is eating lunch in the dining room.

"Do you guys know where Yoongi is?" Jin asked.

"He went away around three hours ago" Jimin said looking at the wall clock.


The door opened and Yoongi entered.

"Ya, where were you Yoongi-ah", Jin asked him. But Yoongi was lost in his thoughts.

He walked towards the kitchen and drank some water.

"Hyung, Jin hyung is asking something " Taehyung said.

Still Yoongi was lost in his thoughts.

"YA!" Jin shouted which caught Yoongi's attention.

"Oh. What were you saying", Yoongi asked.

"Nothing, come here." Jin said gesturing with his hand.

Yoongi went towards the dining table and his eyes went towards Jungkook. He stared at him.

Namjoon noticed that.

"Hyung what happened. Why are you so quiet?" Namjoon asked him.

"Ah. Nothing", Yoongi replied but his eyes are still on Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up and his eyes met Yoongi's but Yoongi moved his eyes away from him.

All of this was noticed by everyone.

Yoongi sat and looked down.

"Hyung what happened. You are scaring us." Hobi said getting tensed.

"Nothing. I am just tired. I will go and sleep." He said and stood up and went towards his room.

"Isn't he behaving strange?" Jimin asked after Yoongi left.

Jin shrugged and said, "He is a sleepy cat and he wants to sleep. What's strange about that"

Taehyung giggled and everyone smiled except Namjoon.

He knew something was wrong.

On the other side of the villa, Yoongi was tensed after all that he saw at Rooh's place. He couldn't believe what he saw.

He doesn't know what to do with the information he got.

He called Bang PD.

"So did you got your answers?", Bang PD asked Yoongi right away.

"Hyung you knew! You knew about all this and still you didn't do anything. How could you" Yoongi shouted.

"I am sorry Yoongi for everything. I shouldn't have done that." Bang PD was feeling worse because of his actions he did in the past.

"I am so disappointed hyung. I am going to correct everything now even if it's too late but I will try. We all are staying here for more days." Yoongi said.

(A/N: Yoongi knows Rooh's secret but he still doesn't know the whole story)

"Okay. I will do anything to correct my mistake." Bang PD said.

Yoongi cut the call and thought about what he should do now.

A few minutes later, the door of Yoongi's room opened.

Namjoon was standing in front of the door.

"We need to talk hyung.", Namjoon said and Yoongi understood that genius Namjoon somehow figured that something is wrong.

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