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liked by bellaramsey, pascalispunk, and 7938 others amarafellowesiscool, hike with bee tagged ➰ bellaramsey                        load more comments pascalispunk, In love with their camera aren't they?!? amarafellowesiscool, SUPER in love

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liked by bellaramsey, pascalispunk, and 7938 others
amarafellowesiscool, hike with bee
tagged bellaramsey
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pascalispunk, In love with their camera aren't they?!?
amarafellowesiscool, SUPER in love


bellaramsey, u thought of a nickname i see
amarafellowesiscool, mhmm :))))

amarafellowesiscool, please do bc there's such good pics of me

samirasnothere, THIS is what i want my wlw to be dude

bellaramsey, you're so cute for this
amarafellowesiscool, you're cute wow

i sighed deeply as i put my car keys down on the table in the break room of the new set. my cheeks were flushed red because of the alberta cold and my hands were inside the sleeves of bellas hoodie i'd taken. i heard footsteps towards the room, heavy and rushed. i turned around as craig walked in with a big goofy smile,
"Amara!! I haven't seen you in forever" He said going in for a hug
"I know, bella's been keeping me all to themself" i giggled into his plaid button up shirt
"How've you been?"
"Good, me and bella went on a hike yesterday, that was fun. How are you?"
"qI saw! I'm good, tired running around this place though it's so much bigger than the last one"
"It is huge"
"Yeah, good for building shit though- anyway, I'll catch you later?"
"Yeah," i smiled, "see you C"
He walked out of the room and i sat down in one of the seats. I heard craig's muffled voice in the hallway talking to someone,
"See you in five!" i heard him shout
This time light, skippy foot steps came through the hallway,
"MAAARRIIIIII" Bella said happily, with open arms
"BBEEEEEEE," I responded with my arms around their neck and theirs around my waist, "how's work been?"
"Good, tired though. and hungry" They said, then kissed me on the cheek still holding my waist
"Oh, i bought you lunch"
"Yes the pasta"
"YAY GIMME GIMME" They said excited
I pulled a fork and tupperware out of my bag with my now signature vegan bolognaise. I handed it to them and they sat down eagerly, opening it and shovelling the pasta in their mouth.
"Thank you," they said with a mouth full of pasta, "It's so good"
I laughed in response. they ate the last of the pasta and licked the inside of the tupperware clean, ending up with pasta sauce on the tip of their nose. they giggled as they tried to reach their tongue to their nose to get it off.
"I'm so tired," They yawned, "want to go to the trailer and nap"
"Yeah, i could nap"
We walked to their trailer, and they slumped down on the small couch. I slumped next to them and they lay their head down in my lap, I lay against the back of the couch and placed my  hand on their head, running my hands through their hair.
"Did you not sleep much last night?" I asked
"Yeah, had a weird dream"
"About what?"
"I don't remember i just know it was weird and a bit scary"
" I guess you would have weird dreams when you have to fight mushroom people for work all day"
"Yeah, true" they sighed and their eyes fluttered  closed, mine did too.

"Bee, bee wake up, time to go home" I nudged them
"Oh god," they yawned, "how long was i asleep?"
"Couple hours" i smiled
They shot up, "HOURS?!"
"Yeah," i put my hand on their back, "Craig opened the trailer and told me to just let you sleep. You've been working hard don't worry"
"Let's get home, I'll drive"

The slam of the car door echoed throughout the hotel car park.
"Come on sleepy head, what do you want for dinner?"
"Hm, pasta"
"Is there more leftover?"
"Yeah, but are you sure i want it again?"
We walked up to the hotel room, and Bella took a shower while I prepped the pasta for the second night in a row.
"Here" I said handing a warm bowl to them in a towel.
"YAAAAAY" they said eagerly again.
We ate, we watched movies, we laughed and then we went to sleep, to probably do the same thing again tomorrow and eat the same pasta. I was comforted by them, i loved bella and they loved me, i think. i hope. Maybe i'd say it tomorrow. or in my sleep. or next week. or next month. either way i wanted to say it, i needed them to know but i was scared. i hope they knew. i thought all this while i gripped their hand tighter that was around my waist. out legs were entangled under the covers and i hadn't been able to sleep for 2 hours, maybe they were doing the same thing, awake and thinking about how much they loved me.



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liked by amarafellowesiscool, poppy_letterman and 9272 others bellaramsey, HIKE WITH MARI!

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liked by amarafellowesiscool, poppy_letterman and 9272 others
bellaramsey, HIKE WITH MARI!

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amarafellowesiscool, OKAAAYYY OKAY!

nicoparker, alberta is crazy tbh
           bellaramsey, can't get enough of it

amarafellowsiscool, you're so good at taking pictures of me
           bellaramsey, you're good at looking good in pictures

sarahlerman, HIKING BUDDIES
           imnotholly, hiking girlfriends u mean 😏

amarafellowesiscool, this is kind of gay
            bellaramsey, you're kind of gay

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