The next Van Gough

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Walking back to the set with them, it had started to rain. At first, not hard rain, but eventually it was pouring. 

"Oh shiiiit"

"Jesus Christ" We giggled in unison as we slid under the cover of a shop. 

"What're we gonna doooo" I said, we were both already soaked. Bella glances at me and has a sneaky grin on her face. 

"Oh god. What?"

"I mean, we could just...."

"We could just wha-" I didn't get to finish my sentence. They took ahold of my hand, intertwining our fingers and running with me in the rain,  I could hear them laughing while running with me, we ran all the way back to the set. My hands and my stomach and my feet were tingling with excitement, I could tell my cheeks were bright red too. When we were back, they stopped before we were inside. we were in the middle of the carpark where all the trailers were. They took my other hand and started spinning around and giggling. I smiled the biggest smile I had in a long long time, as their cold hands enveloped mine. We danced and jumped in puddles in the rain for I don't know how long, until Pedro popped his head out of a little hall that they used for where the food and table reads were, 

"What are you two weirdos doing!?" He yelled over the rain

"Spinning around!" Bella yelled back 

"Come inside! You're soaked to the bone you'll catch a cold!!"

"Okay!" She smiled at me and took my hand and ran to the hall. When we were finally under cover, I had realised how soaked we actually were. We were both out of breath with water dripping from our hair. No one seemed to mind that we were probably water damaging the floor. 

"Oops" said Bella, sarcastically with an awkward smile. We looked at each other for confirmation on what to do, I then realised I didn't have any spare clothes to wear. 

"Fuck I don't have any clothes. And your sweaters wet!" I exclaimed 

"Yeah. But is that such a bad thing?" They smirked 

"Wwwwhat do you mean" 

"The hotel I'm staying at isn far from here. I have weeks worth of clothes. And the beds real comfy"


"and we're soaked" They further implies, trying to get me to read the room 

"Yes, we are. I'm slow, what're you suggesting?" I laughed 

"I'm suggesting we have a little sleepover. That is..if you want to" They smiled sweetly. My stomach swirled and churned with excitement, scenarios of us in bed watching a horror movie under the blankets, eating a warm dinner, me in their clothes. 

"Yes please" I said with a smiley, but shocked face. They noticed the face I was making and gave me a laugh

"And we can come back here tonight since I need to try on some outfits, remember?"

"Oh yeah, sure." I said, zoned out. To be honest, my mind was far more focused on how close we'd be in the bed. Would it be an awkward distance? Would their head me on my shoulder? In either situation I was sure I was about to vomit up butterflies. 

"Cool. Get your stuff and meet me at your trailer" They exclaimed, they slid their jacket off and put it over their head, I watched them run off, they were making no avoidance to splashing in puddles either. 

"Hey, I cant keep reminding you to not make it so obvious" A voice said from behind me. I whipped my head around and Xavier was standing there, hands crossed, smirking

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