Where's Robin Williams when you need him?

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I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I lay there for a bit and Nellie snorted and shook his head.

"Oh what's bothering you so much mister?" I said out loud as he lay down.

He started coddling his head up to me, sniffing my pants and my shirt, then my face. He lay down on my stomach and it tickled, he swung his head as I laughed at his moustache whiskers tickled me. He lay his head down on my stomach, with his nose on my legs. I played with his ears and his mane, I braided it and unbraided it and braided it and unbraided it.

"The fact that im letting you lay on me while im wearing my nicest breeches speaks volumes on how I feel about you," I said through laughs, "I even wore such nice clothes to impress Bella!" I threw my arms up "Such a spoiled horse, tsk tsk tsk", I said sarcastically as I twisted the front of his mane around my finger.

I heard a giggle, "Really? All for me?!" I heard a British accent exclaim. Oh fuck. Bella stood in the doorway,

"Uh, yeah totally. With famous big actor you are, I had to impress you" I joked

"Oh please" They leaned against the door frame, "You guys look so cute" they said as their mouth curved into a smile. I blushed and smiled back.

"Alright Nellie, c'mon up up up" I said as I pet his neck. He swung his neck and head up and got himself up and put his head toward Bella, smelling her. Probably recognising her from yesterday. She smiled at him and looked at me awkwardly, with her eyebrows raised into a worried look.

"It's okay you can pet him" I chuckled as they reached out their arm and pet him a long his nose. 

"Here," I said as I hoisted myself off and brushed off the hay "I'll get you a treat to give him" I brushed past them with a smile as my stomach touched their waist as I was trying to get past them. My cheeks filled with what felt like all the blood in my body and my legs felt like jelly as I was walking away from them still petting Nellie. I popped into the float and saw a bag of apple and carrot mushed up into cubes and baked. Jackie made them all the time, it was nothing but apple and carrot. I tried one once over Xaviers $5 bet, it was disgusting. But I got $5. I took a few in my hand and started walking back to Bella, I heard them giggling and talking to Nellie so I peeked around the corner and saw Bella tickling Nellies ears and laughing as they wiggled. A smile formed on my face and my stomach churned with excitement. 'so pretty' I thought to myself, my smile widened. 

"Try not to make it too obvious, huh?" I jumped at Xavier whispering to me as he walked past, smug. 

"Shh!" I said as I hit him in the leg and started to walk towards them. 

"Here" I held out my hand for Bella to take the treats

"How do I feed it to him? Do I just put it on the ground?" the confusion mixed with the accent made me giggle 

"Here, hold out your hand flat, like this" I said as I took their hand and positioned it so their palm and their fingers were flat, "Just hold it up to him and he'll eat it"

They held their hand up to Nellies mouth and nose and giggled at the tickling of his mouth on their hand. They fed him through laughs until we didn't have treats anymore. They dusted their hands off and looked to me for direction, I was stunned by their deep brown eyes before I realised they had been looking at me. 

"Um," I rubbed my eyebrow with nervousness, "So do you want to get started?"

"Yeah sure. Are you also gonna be riding? It was so fun yesterday" They beamed 

"Yeah I can ride if you want me too," They smiled in response, "But I'll get off to help you because I was thinking of teaching you to trot today, which is basically like a horse jogging" I laughed

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