Chapter 71

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|3 years later|

I didn't have work today so Luciana and I were cooking together. I look towards the front door, hearing the sound of the doorknob opening, and see Lucius, who has come home from work. Luciana screams happily, climbing off the stool she was using to help her reach the counter. She runs over to him and he picks her up as she clings to him happily.

"Me miss muggy dada," Luciana says, to which Lucius sighs, then smiles.

"I missed you too, you little gremlin." Lucius walks over to me holding Luciana in one arm.

He kisses my cheek, "I think I'll take the gremlin outside for a bit."

I nod, resuming my cooking as they walk off together, hearing Luciana just before they go outside, "Muggy Dada show me moogic?"

Lucius gave a defeated sigh afterwards, making me chuckle. I look out the kitchen window briefly and see Lucius chasing Luciana around before returning to prepping dinner.

After 30 minutes pass, I look out again but I don't see them. I stop what I'm doing and go outside, the cold, fall, air hits me immediately. I look around the yard, failing to find them.

So where are they? I start to panic a bit as I race inside and look around downstairs, when I still can't find them I run upstairs.

"Lucius, where are you?" I ask, trying to find them.

When I hear no response from him, I continue to search, eventually making my way up to the office. There I find them, both asleep in the armchair next to the fireplace, a children's book lying on the floor next to them. Lucius' hand is still open as if he is holding the book. I walk over, picking up the book and placing it on the desk beside them. I slowly take Luciana out of his arms, trying not to wake him up, but he sits up immediately, fear plastered on his face.

"It's okay, go back to sleep, it's just me," I say soothingly.

Lucius relaxes as he breathes a sigh of relief, closing his eyes again. I carry Luciana to her room and tuck her into bed. Walking back downstairs to finish dinner I'm interrupted by a knock on the front door.

"Thank Merlin, you're okay!" Relief pours out of his familiar voice, as Sirius pulls me into a hug, causing a smile to appear on my face.

"Sirius!? How did you find me?" I pull out of the hug then walk outside and close the door behind me, not wanting to wake up Luciana and Lucius.

"How, you ask? That's a secret for me to know and you to hopefully never find out! We agreed until the war was over, you extended your stay. it's been three years ma'am!" Sirius states.

I giggle watching him be so overdramatic, "Well, we decided to just live a simple life for a bit and that turned into three years."

"Well, you being gone hurt me, you should think of the Sirius implications this could have in life. Like me missing my goddaughter, where is she?" Sirius asks impatiently.

"Napping." I walk over to the bench nearby and sit down.

Sirius sits beside me.

"I suppose I can wait to see her. How's life, 'Mrs. Malfoy'?" He sarcastically spoke, causing me to laugh.

"I know you're trying to be sarcastic, but Lucius and I are married now, so, I am Mrs. Malfoy." Sirius looks at me with shock.

"You got married, without even inviting me? That hurts a lot. Whatever, you're not coming to mine then." I pat his back, choosing to ignore him being overdramatic yet again.

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