Chapter 59

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I got another letter today from y/n

I smile as I grab it after it was thrown into my cell and happily cling to it

It's the little happiness I have that's keeping me sane in here

I open the already opened envelope and read the letter

Dear Lucius,

I hope your doing as well as you can, I'm 5 months pregnant now and I went to the muggle world and found out our babies gender, I also left you a picture of her. Yes that's right we are having a girl

I finish reading the update as I find the picture and look at it looking at what y/n called an ultra sound of my daughter

My daughter this is her I have to get out I need to raise her, I need to be there for her

I need to watch her grow up

But why would Voldemort save me? Why would he help me escape? I failed him he won't care about me anymore

I may never be able to raise my daughter, watch her grow and hold her in my arms

I'll never get that, and I'm not even around y/n and my daughter now to protect them both from people who may not like that I've had a half blood child

Especially from him Voldemort who knows what he'd do if he found out about my daughter

"I need to come home to you both, I promise you both I'll come home someday I'll make sure of it." I say out loud as I trace over the ultrasound picture over and over not able to stop looking at it

Muggle technology is crazy like my child isn't even born yet and I'm looking at them this is amazing I truly can't believe it, it's my child inside y/n this is crazy and hurts my head how it's possible but here they are inside y/n

'I hope I get broken out but I doubt it, I would do anything to get out and be with y/n again and meet my daughter, and be there for Draco still.'

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