Chapter 65

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Lucius mentioned how you both can't go home, as death eaters will be going there to find Lucius to get him back to fighting for them

"I can't risk it, I can't." Lucius says and you nod as Draco was inside the nursery with his sister he said he'd put her down for her nap and now he's probably just staring at her sleeping which is what usually happens

"So what do you want to do?" You ask and Lucius smiles as he puts a hand on your cheek and rubs circles on it with his thumb

"You will take a lot of money out of the Malfoy account and come back, where we will then leave the country until he's gone and we can just live peacefully, my father has a house in France, he was going to move to it once I took over the family, but he didn't make it there." Lucius says and you nod

"Okay." You say and you know before Lucius got arrested he put you down as in charge of his money and everything else, since Draco wasn't an adult and well Narcissa isn't married to Lucius anymore she can't control it

But Lucius seemed to know he was probably going to get arrested or if he did he wanted everything to be taken care of so he could worry less about you

He didn't want you and Luciana to not have money to rely on so if he was arrested it said you have every legal right to control his money until Draco's 18

"Now, we need to pack and I need to figure out if I can take Draco with us." Lucius says and Draco was apparently outside the door

"Please do I don't wanna stay here." Draco says and Lucius looked a bit worried how much Draco wanted to go but nodded

"Well okay then, I'll talk with your mother then Draco and tell her everything that will be happening." Lucius says as Lucius holds you close to him so happy to just be able to hold you again, being in Azkaban made him really just wanna marry you but he knew for you that wasn't going to fly, or maybe you'd change your mind? He hoped you did 'leaving the country is the only way to escape being a death eater, protect my children and protect y/n. If they win this war y/n will be put to death and Luciana? I don't wanna think about that, so I have to get her out of here, and if they lose I'll probably be sentenced back to Azkaban and I can't let that happen.'

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