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  "...Wake up..."

In the hushed stillness, a faint voice emerged accompanied by the distant sound of crashing waves, drifting from afar. Its ethereal whispers resonated through the air, akin to celestial melodies beckoning her out of her sleep.

With a gentle stirring, she roused from her slumber, her senses gradually awakening. The caress of a refreshing, briny breeze delicately brushed against her skin. Dew-laden grass swayed and twirled around her still form, as if in a joyous dance.

Irene slowly emerged into wakefulness, the alluring fragrance of wildflowers and earth enveloping her being. With a flicker of her eyelids, her gaze unveiled an expansive sky stretching endlessly above, its tranquil cerulean adorned by serene, billowing clouds that seemed to float weightlessly in the boundless blue.

Where... Am I?

She found herself lost in a trance. After a fleeting moment, Irene cautiously lifted herself into an upright position, as if handling fragile glassware.

As her surroundings slowly came into focus, she realised, with a mix of surprise and bewilderment, that she had unknowingly succumbed to slumber within the embrace of this timeless meadow.

Her eyes meticulously roved over the intricacies of her own form—hands, legs, and the plain white dress that draped over her silhouette. Like a cascade of ivory silk, strands of her hair descended tenderly over her shoulder, adding to the air of otherworldly enchantment.

Something feels strange...

Is this... A Dream?

Despite the dreamlike atmosphere surrounding her, Irene remained keenly aware of her reality — fully awake and completely immersed in her physical existence. Every breath, every subtle sensation that flowed through her being, affirmed her alertness.

What exactly was this place? Inquisitive thoughts inundated her consciousness, yearning for resolution. Then, like a gentle whisper of the ocean's embrace, a salty tang graced her taste buds, tickling her mouth and capturing her attention.

Breaking through the ethereal veil, the gentle hiss of waves crashing against a shore reached Irene's ears.

Shhh... Shhh...

The enchanting cadence guided her towards its source. Irene turned and clambered up to her feet, golden eyes sweeping across the surroundings, as if seeking to unravel the enigma of her current whereabouts.

With each step, her feet sank into the coolness of the grass, sending a shiver up her spine. The paper-like blades caressed her bare skin, leaving no trace of dirt behind. Guided by the sound of the waves, a profound truth unveiled itself, opening her eyes to a new understanding.

As Irene ventured further, the meadow abruptly ended, giving way to a breathtaking sight. The open sea unfolded before her, stretching infinitely like a mirror of the boundless heavens. A sandy beach, drenched in the warm, radiant light of day, emanated an ethereal luminescence that captivated her gaze. The ceaseless rhythm of the tides crashed against the shore, their mighty waves orchestrating a harmonious symphony with the surrounding natural world.

Peering down from her elevated perch, the world unfolded before Irene in breathtaking splendour.

A cliff stood proudly beneath her feet, with a view she breathlessly marvelled at. Her eyes were transfixed, unable to break away from the picturesque scene as her thoughts drifted along with the endless horizon.

The colour of this ocean...

It reminds me of Mikael's eyes...


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