39 | Icicle Eyes

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   As Mikael and Irene silently left the scene hand-in-hand, she couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind, in that moment. The cold touch of his small fingers intwining with her own, the back of his head which felt difficult to read, and even the silent way he carried himself.

Irene felt like a frozen fish, unable to process what was happening. Her hand stinging from when she slapped Ivan. But the sight of Mikael's back and his hand clasping around her palm, overwhelmed all the other feelings in her body.

The way he acted just now was almost protective, in a way. It was something she didn't expect to see from him, even if they became friendlier than before. Irene couldn't help but start to wonder if Mikael actually cared about her more than he let on. Perhaps that was his way of showing his feelings.

It was then that he finally stopped, taking a halt but not turning around to face the girl behind him. Around them, the foliage rustled from a cool breeze sweeping past. Strands of his velvety hair gently danced like elegant threads.

"You shouldn't have slapped him," He told her, his voice almost inaudible. Irene held her breath, as the child in front of her turned around - and met her gaze at last. His glistening blue eyes appeared pained yet relieved, at the same time. "It doesn't matter what people say about me, but don't put yourself in an awkward situation by getting mad."

Irene silently took in those words for a moment, before frowning. "...I don't care," she managed to say. "You're more my friend than anyone else. Do you really think I'd just stand by and let someone insult you like that?"

Mikael continued to gaze at her with a relieved expression, before he offered a rueful smile. "What's with you, seriously?" It looked like he was on the verge of letting his emotions spill through tears. For a woman in the body of a child, it was hard to watch such a small boy hold back his emotions, or lock them away altogether.

But the more time she spent with him, the more she saw that Mikael really was just another nine-year-old child. He loved to play games - relishing victories and making fun of her for being so bad. He enjoyed seeing things like meteor showers, adored sweet things, and his patience was close to nil.

In that moment, his iris-blue eyes were glassy and pained, and Irene felt as if she finally began to understand him more than she thought.

Mikael didn't think I would side with him just now...

Is that why he looks so relieved? Because I protected him instead of blaming him, like anyone else would have done?

He was a child who closed himself off because no matter how long he waited, no one would acknowledge him or embrace him. He became cold and pushed people away before they could get to him, because he didn't want to get hurt. Mikael was aware of his own feelings from a young age, and he ended up becoming a villain because the world around him pushed him over the edge.

Gazing at his sad expression, Irene offered the boy in front of her a small smile. She gently reached up her free hand, and to his surprise - she brushed her palm over his hair, petting him tenderly.

"There's one thing you should know, Mikael," she beamed, causing the boy to glance up at her with interest. "I'll always be on your side, even if the whole of Laydel isn't. You can try to push me away, or tell me to stop, but you won't ever change my mind."

Mikael speechlessly gazed at the girl as he processed those words of hers. All his life, Mikael thought that this world wasn't meant for him. He didn't have parents who loved him, like other children did. He didn't have friends he could bond and grow up with, like other children did. People didn't look at him with the tender sweetness he longed for. And even his only sibling was pitted against him by society.

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