32 | Icicle Eyes

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   Later that evening, the family prepared a dinner of steak and roast potatoes, to welcome the Prince into their home. Even though he was their guest, the mood was quite awkward. Mikael hardly spoke, simply eating without saying a word.

But what bemused both Rayvis and Irene, was the fact that Mikael's maid was also sitting at the table and eating with the family - as if she herself were someone with importance equal to that of the prince's. The children knew that their mother was just being hospitable toward her, but it felt odd. It was largely uncommon for servants and aristocrats to sit at the same table in a formal first meeting.

Ms Cather was a maid — with no noble background. Yet it seemed she wanted to be treated as the prince's mother, in a sense. No matter how much Irene tried to communicate with Mikael, Ms Cather would stand like a proud guard at his side. The boy would simply continue to eat whilst his maid answered all their questions in his stead.

This is odd... I never wrote about a Ms Cather in my original novel. Irene cleared her throat after taking a sip of water, trying to conceal her irritation with a graciously welcoming smile. This woman... Just who is she?

While Irene continued to act as hospitable as possible, it seemed her brother had other ideas.

"You. Sophia, correct?" Rayvis then called out, and Irene glanced at Rayvis beside her, to see him coldly glaring at the old woman on the opposite side of the table. Upon realising he called the woman by her first name, it seemed the boy was planning to put the servant in her place.

"When do you plan on stepping aside? I don't know if you've realised it, but we've been trying to talk to the prince, not a servant."

Irene almost choked at her brother's show of little manners, when he was usually so polite and amiable toward strangers. Despite his crude words, a radiant smile was illuminating his expression. He's so straightforward while smiling so innocently... What a crazy kid.

Glancing at the shrewd old woman to observe her response, Irene held her breath anxiously. Ms Cather seemed to be wearing a completely composed and calm expression. So she can take an insult pretty well... Irene thought, but she couldn't be more wrong.

For it took all of Sophia Cather's strength, to hold that composure. That brat... He thinks because he's the son of a Duke, he has power over me?! She thought, in a fit of rage. Just you wait... I'll make sure your entire family falls at my feet!

"His Highness is still very shy, around new people," she simply responded, her voice dry and unpleasant to hear. "It may take him a while to get used to his surroundings and feel comfortable enough to speak. I hope you understand."

The rest of the dinner went by in an awkward silence between the children, with only Sarah making an awkward effort to talk. In the end, Ms Cather and the duchess were the only ones conversing, and one by one, the children finished their meals.

Irene noticed it after her meal, but Mikael was a rather slow eater. As she watched him, it seemed as if he was slightly unfamiliar with using a knife and fork, but he still managed to look elegant while having his meal. He even seemed to be enjoying it, since his gaze was fixed to his plate the entire time.

It was then she remembered — his life before wasn't the kind that had warm meals served to him every night.

As she waited for him to finish his meal, Irene approached Mikael, with a kind smile. "Your Highness, are you free right now?" She beamed, taking his hand which caught him by surprise. "I'd like to show you all my toys and favourite things!"

Mikael stared at her with a look of doubt across his deep blue eyes. Before he could say anything, Ms Cather spoke up, again.

"I'm afraid it's getting quite late, His Highness must be tired," She told her. "Perhaps tomorrow would be-"

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