Chapter 39

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AN: Finally, I was out of my writer's block for this fanfic.

Chapter 39: Swinging and entering

        Without Batman's presence in Gotham, the rogues, and villains has no one to fear. All of them are growing too ballsy and rowdy causing chaos, crimes, and death in the corrupt city of Gotham. It was getting worse and worse as time passed. And now, gangs and rogues alike are doing whatever they wanted and staking claim to their territories. Some wanted to prove that they were the top dogs of Gotham City.

Even the Network that Oracle has established wouldn't be enough to stop the ambitious villains who wanted to reign Gotham City.

If the Network has mended one hole another three would take its place. Gotham City was like a ship that was already drowning. It's hopeless and not salvageable. But Barbara Gordon would be damned if she just let the Gotham criminals and rogues win.

Bruce Wayne didn't give up on Gotham City. That was the reason why Batman was born in the first place. And other than the Dark Knight, there was still her father doing his best in the corrupt Gotham City Police Department.

Those two people are just ordinary men. More so the latter than the first.

Barbara Gordon became Batgirl once upon a time because she wanted to make Gotham a better place just like what was Batman and her father doing.

Life as a Batgirl wasn't easy but Barbara Gordon was filled with purpose fighting crime every night for Gotham and its remaining good and innocent citizens.

But nothing good last forever in this damn city of crime just like what most of its citizens believe. It's like a curse that bad things always happen in Gotham. Tragedy struck. Life as a crime-fighting vigilante has consequences, and also being the daughter of a police commissioner.  Barbara Gordon lost her ability to walk. For a while she was distraught and it feels like she lose her purpose. Eventually, she picked herself up. She could still do something even if she wouldn't become Batgirl anymore.

She became Oracle. The information gatherer. The woman on the chair. Even if she can't fight crime, she could still help on the sidelines.

Many things have happened since then, Jason Todd is dead and now Bruce Wayne has followed in his footsteps. But even if the one behind the Dark Knight is dead, the remaining vigilantes would still fight for Gotham's sake.

Eventually,  she knows that the Network would eventually reach its breaking point and they wouldn't be able to contain the rogues and criminals of Gotham. But the remaining vigilantes of Gotham and their helpers would continue until they run ragged to the point that they wouldn't be able to get up anymore.

[ Miss Oracle, I have already arrived at the Iceberg Lounge. ]

The voice of their new dubious ally breaks Barbara Gordon out of her pondering. Looking at the screen provided by one of her computers, she confirmed that the new vigilante? The archivist is indeed at the Iceberg lounge right now.

Oracle was able to discern his location because of the communication device that Nightwing have given to him earlier. The communication aid has a tracker inserted into it. It was a surprise for Oracle that the Archivist instantly agreed when Nightwing offered the communication device to him.

Despite the strange and eerie countenance that the Archivist gives off, he was surprisingly compliant and eager to help. He didn't show any opposition or tantrum unlike some people in their early days or sometimes of being vigilante. Particularly the ones under Bruce Wayne. His charges. Cassandra was the only exception and was very cooperative.

Through, he was surprisingly too eager that it was suspicious.

After Barbara has relayed the information of two-face planning to attack the Iceberg lounge to Nightwing, Archivist was very eager to help them.

Without even waiting for Nightwing and Little D to move, Archivist informed Nightwing and Little D that he would take off and go to the Iceberg Lounge.

After informing them, he didn't wait for their response and instantly jumped to the roof and took out his grappling gun from the painting. The Archivist according to Nightwing took no breaks between his swinging from roof to roof. He has used gravity the most and propel himself to the farthest distances the Archivist's weight and the length of the cord of the grappling gun could manage.

As Nightwing relayed the sight of the Archivist swinging from roof to roof of the infrastructure, Barbara could also hear his disturbed tone.

The way of the Archivist's swing as relayed by Nightwing could be described as 'Cartoonish'. The way that his body moves impossibly. Unlike Nightwing who has experience in acrobatics and his body is flexible due to that years of experience, the Archivist has none of that flexibility.

Despite that not being flexible, the Archivist body bends in every way that wasn't possible. Something that humans couldn't possibly do unless you are the Plastic man which the Archivist isn't. The new vigilante? has shown inhuman traits and he was proving further that he wasn't human and not just a human who has a meta ability.

An Alien.

A foreigner of this world in the way that Superman and the Green Lanterns joined the justice league wasn't. 

Tapping the keyboard, Oracle saw the location of Nightwing and Little D through the communication device tracker. They were still far away from the Iceberg Lounge.

" You're fast. "

[ I did my best, Miss Oracle. ]

" Any sign of two-face in the Iceberg Lounge? Did you gain the attention of the rogues currently there at the Iceberg? "

Despite the Archivist showing strange abilities, Oracle was concerned. Squire has told her that the Archivist has shown no martial prowess and has hugely relied on his strange abilities. If he was discovered, the Archivist would be in trouble with Penguin and the other Gotham Rogues that was in the Iceberg Lounge that was currently present in the location.

" Miss Oracle, I haven't seen the presence of Two-face in the Iceberg Lounge but I heard that he was invited. The rogues currently present in the Lounge are playing poker with each other and talking negative things about Batman and Vigilantes. And Miss Oracle doesn't need to worry, I was as inconspicuous as possible. They wouldn't mind my presence here at the Iceberg Lounge. "

Hearing the response, Oracle frowned. Did the Archivist Disguise himself?

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