Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: List

             After spending time in detention with Damian and Luke, Jonas has gone home to Cane Residence. He was currently at the Cane Manor's library meticulously writing additional information for his web ritual.

   [ Main Characters

    Name: Parry Karson
    Age: 51
    Description: Indifferent to the injustice and unfairness of Gotham
    Hobby: Drinking, Sex, Betting on the vigilantes and rogues of Gotham in Iceberg Lounge
    Current Secret: Cheating on his wife and having sex with girls who have the same features as his wife when she was in her twenties.
   Affiliation: just a normal rich customer of Iceberg Lounge and a member of Gotham Elite
  Fear: Being discovered by his wife cheating

  Name: Eliana Linden
  Age: 23
  Description: Indifferent to other people other than herself, manipulative
Hobby: Makeup, Sweet talking to others, Accumulating riches from her many and former 'lovers'
Current Secret: Her parents don't know about her current lifestyle at the night
Affiliation: A daughter of one of Gotham's wealthy elite
Fear: Her parents discover her current lifestyle

Name: Brock Winnie
Age: 27
Description: Brash, Pervert, Fool, Hot-tempered
Hobby: Getting into fights
Current Secret: Discovering that he was a spy of the gang
Affiliation: One of the elite members of
Fear: Being killed and being useless

Name: Siena David
Age: 56
Description: Indifferent, Selfish, Pervert, Cruel
Hobby: Raping young boys and ordering a hit, Taking part in a court of owls' cruelties
Current Secret: Court of Owls
Affiliation: Gotham wealthy Elite, Court of Owls (I currently don't know what this court of owls is about)
Fear: Someone or the vigilantes discovering her affiliation

Name: Karl Marley
Age: 37
Description: Cruel and Manipulative, Sadistic, A professor in the medical department at Gotham Prep
Hobby: Partaking in kinky sex lifestyle, murder, robbery
Current Secret: collecting blood from his murder victims
Affiliation: Gotham Wealthy Elite, Gotham University
Fear: Losing his precious collection of blood, dying in blood loss

Name: Delbert Bryant
Age: 25
Description: He is an Indifferent and Calculative person hiding behind a harmless facade of a gentleman
Hobby: Gambling and betting
Current Secret: Serving as a hitman for the mafia
Affiliation: Mafia
Fear: Being disposed

Name: Fin Callahan
Age: 22
Description: They are apathetic to criminals and the wealthy
Hobby: Collecting information about other people and blackmailing them
Current Secret: Being a broker
Affiliation: iceberg lounge customer
Fear: Being a failure

Name: Sasha Charles
Age: 31
Description: She is a workaholic and enjoys tea with honey and milk.
Hobby: Voyeurism and Stalking
Current Secret: Being a spy from Gotham Police Department
Affiliation: Gotham Police Department, Iceberg Lounge Employee
Fear: Being discovered by Penguin and the other rogues as a Gotham Police Department informant ]

After adding some information and deciding to activate the web ritual for the next week on Monday at 3:00 am, Jonas then left the library. As usual, the servants decided to avoid his presence because of his uncanny behavior and deliberately making himself creepy.

He then decided to go towards the room next to his bedroom. It was where Uttu and Hamish are currently staying in their artificial habitats. He smiled when he saw that they seem okay and lively. The servants are properly taking care of them while he spent his days at Gotham Elementary.

Half an hour later, he then went to his room and informed one of the servants that he would be spending his time doing his "homework". Today, his parents would be returning home around 11 p.m. He was informed that they wouldn't be able to eat dinner with Jonas which they felt very guilty and regretful about.

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