Chapter 34

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AN: I'm looking forward to the day when the game about lord of the mysteries is released.

I just keep repeating the theme song for code:mystery every day. Waiting and looking forward to new information and content.

Chapter 34: Alternative

     Iceberg Lounge, Penguin's territory. Donning once again the disguise and identity of Theodore Morrison, Jonas was working once again in his shift as a waiter in his workplace.

It's been an hour since he met the man who introduced himself as John Constantine. The man is rude and Jonas didn't like his attitude toward him.

While he passes the list of orders to the chef, one of his fellow waiters in the Iceberg Restaurant approached him

" It seems that there is something in your mind, Theodore. "

Jonas glances at his fellow waiter. The man's name is Jay. 27 years old and someone who has a minor gambling addiction.

Responding, Jonas said.

" Yes, there is. "

" Is it leaving the Iceberg Lounge? "

Jackson jokingly asked. Jonas shook his head as he notice the other employees and some of the customers glance at them.

" You shouldn't joke about that kind of thing Mr. Jackson. "

" Sorry, sorry... "

Jackson apologized insincerely before going back to do his own thing.

If an employee left the Iceberg Lounge, it only means death. People who would leave their jobs would end up killed by Penguin's henchmen or one of Penguin's 3 assistants which are Ms. Jay, Ms. Raven, and Ms. Lark.

Mr. Jackson was jealous of him doing well in his job. Aside from occasional snob and unpleasant customers, most of the customers were nice and doesn't mind him at all.

Acting as Theodore Morrison, the pitiful and kind young man working a part-time job for the sister and orphanage that doesn't exist– some of the customers find his presence here in the Iceberg Lounge amusing. They left him with generous tips for his entertainment value all along while faking concern, sympathy, or pity.

Those customers wanted to show the innocent and kind young man that they have still some humanity left in them while the others harbor more malicious intent.

It was a frequent thing for his Eye God to start providing random tidbits, information, or fact about the customers since he started working here in the Iceberg's restaurant.

Some of those random tidbit examples from his Eye God was

A customer who wanted to show him kindness and then buy him from Penguin and turn him into their broken toy

One wanted to defile the innocent and kind Theodore Morrison. It was always a pleasure to that customer when he would taint innocent things

Another wanted to correct the physical imperfections on Theodore's face. The person saw that Theodore's freckles are imperfections. Other than Theodore's freckles, there were others that the person wanted to correct. That person wanted to mold Theodore in what they thought would be the perfect him.

Other than being generously tipped by those kinds of customers, another reason for Mr. Jackson's jealousy was his thinking that Theodore has a good relationship with Ms. Jay. The latter was keeping a watch on Theodore since she was the one who recruited Theodore to be hired as a waiter.

Jonas couldn't care about Mr. Jackson's jealousy of Theodore. But he has given Jonas an idea.

Since the Archivist System has been upgraded, Jonas learned that his ritual for the spider is useless.

But his Fear Goddess has provided him with an alternative so that she could have him become a spider avatar.

[ Mission Name: Fear Institute

Mission Subject:  Magnus Archives

Mission objective:

→ The creation of the Magnus Institution in this reality

Mission Reward:

• Unlock the Web

→ Abilities from the web would be unlocked

[ Compulsion: (Skill)

→ Ask a question and it would be answered 

Reminder: You could only ask one question to one person every ten minutes. ]

[ Puppet String: (Skill)

→ Manipulate objects and people's movement within sight distance.

Reminder: Invisible strings would be released in your hands. There are currently 10 strings available.

• Objects could be controlled at the same time. You could control a total of ten objects.

• You could only control one person's movement at one time. 

• The number of strings attached to a person controlled varies. The least amount is 1 and depends on a person's willpower. Strings wouldn't work if your current strings are lacking in the amount proportionate to the person you would control. It would be automatically destroyed.

• Certain magic spells and magic users would be able to see and destroy the magic strings ]

[ Marionette Henchman: (Artifact Upgrade)

→ Gain sentience

Reminder: You could still possess the Artifact even if it gained its sentience.

• You would be able to delegate commands and orders to Marionette Henchman.

• Please ensure that Marionette Henchman would understand the orders clearly and is achievable to his current abilities. ]

Jonas doesn't need his main characters anymore (maybe in the future as food). Since he doesn't need them, there was no reason for him to work in the Iceberg Lounge's restaurant anymore.

Theodore Morrison leaving the Iceberg Lounge only mean one thing.


Well since Mr. Jackson wishes him ill and death... How about Jonas fulfilling his dear malicious wish?

He would give him the first close-up view of Theodore's Morrison death that would be etched very deep into his mind. Unfortunately, it would have the side effects of Mr. Jackson waking up every night and having a restless sleep from screaming from his nightmares.

After devising his plans on fulfilling Mr. Jackson's dearest wish, Theodore Morrison continues in serving the Iceberg's Lounge customers with a gentle and kind smile on his face.

Through, it was an unnerving smile. But compared to when he was at Jonas's body, the smile was 50 times better and less frightening.

Later when his night shift ended in the early morning, Theodore then went back to his home and change into his tuxedo costume and wore a scream mask on his face. It was now Archivist's second appearance in Gotham since his hunt for the scarecrow.

Archivist then decided to head towards the crime alley and start his vigilante job.

Later, after arriving at the crime alley, he heard the sound of gunshots.

Hurrying to the crime scene, there lay some random 2 gang members dead on the ground. Blood pours out from their head as they stare at the sky with their eyes wide open.

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