Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

Today was the day of the baby shower. Despite me saying I didn't want to go all out, that's exactly what we were doing. There was decorations and games a an entire area dedicated to food. I'm not actually mad about that part, I'm pretty excited for the food.

But I was not excited for the people. There wasn't many people I knew, but it seemed like they were all coming. Kies parents, my brother and his new girlfriend, Annie. Then JJ's cousin was coming also. I invited Sarah just to see what would happen.

I didn't want to believe that she really dropped me because of her brother. It hurt and I figured if she wasn't gonna reach out, maybe I could try. I also invited one of the old couples that had always tipped me extra and wish led me good fortune. They were very excited when I told them about it.

But now it was the day and I was stressing. I woke up late so I didn't have much time to get ready. Everything was pretty much all out together when I walked out of my room which was a relief, but I had been working on my hair for at least 2 hours and it was not doing what I wanted it to.

"God damn it." I sighed as I had to redo the braid again.

"What's the matter?" Kie poked her head in the bathroom, pausing with all the running around.

"My fucking hair isn't working!" I yelled throwing the brush into the sink deciding I was just gonna straighten it.

"Do you want me to-"

"No I want to sit down because me feet are already killing me, but I have to finish my hair, and I'm really not trying to be a bitch but please, leave me alone." I sighed as the heat of the bathroom was getting to me.

It wasn't as hot outside considering it was November, but the bathroom was so small, and with the straightener heating up it was only getting worse.

She didn't say anything as she shut the door and I leaned against the counter.

"Lord give me the strength to get through this day..." I sighed as I went to straighten my hair.

I was trying really hard to be excited and happy for the shower and the baby alone.

But I had so much anger and sadness still built up and I had no idea when it was gonna come out.

Once I finished with my hair I took a big drink of water, before cleaning up my things. I opened the door and brought everything back to my room so I could get changed.

I was wearing a white dress the went down to my feet with a pair of slippers because my feet were swollen as shit.

I looked at myself in the mirror seeing how big I was. I turned to the side and I sighed already wanting to cry.

"Y/n?" JJ knocked peaking his head in the room.

"Yea come in." I said going to pick up my phone.

"You look pretty." He said and I scoffed.

"I look like a washed up whale. I feel disgusting." I said really wanting my vape at the moment... or a cigarette I'd take anything right now.

"Well I think you look perfect. People are gonna start getting here soon, do you want to come out or just chill in here?" He asked me.

"I want to stay in her for as long as possible. I don't how I'm gonna get through this shit. I feel bad because I know Kie had the best intentions but I don't want this... promise you won't tell her though." I said and he promised.

I should have known that Kie would have went all out. That how she shows her love. She wasn't the most affectionate person and the words 'I love you' seemed to make her cringe. So she would show her love through gifts and great gestures, much like this one.

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