Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

"Why the fuck would I know what Nicola Tesla called his bird?" I stressed out loud as I looked up yet another question for school.

It had been kicking my ass lately. I was ahead in everything, but I cheated on everything before so now I don't know what the hell is going on.

"What's wrong?" Pope asked. He had came over earlier to hang out with John B and JJ of course, but they both had work. So now he was attempting to help me with school while we ate all of JJ's pop tarts.

"I don't think your gonna need that in ten years when your buying a house." Pope said going back to the Nicola question.

"Well high schools pointless but I want to finish it so little baby will be proud of me. Least I can do is set a good example." I sighed as the next question was just as stupid.

I shut the laptop, deciding to finish the test later as I leaned back on the head board.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" He asked.

"Not really. Just trying to focus on money and school." I said seething at the continuous pain in my side.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"There's just this pain in my side. It's been there all morning and it just keeps getting worse." I sighed rubbing over the spot trying to soothe it.

"Have you taken any medicine?" He asked and I shook my head.

"All we have is headache medicine." I told him.

It wasn't completely unbearable, it was like period cramps. Granted none of the pain was fun, it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with.

"What should we do while we wait for them? I feel like we never hang out just us two." I asked as I scratched my belly.

"We can go through John B's stuff and see if he's hiding anything. I feel like he is. He always acts so mysterious." Pope said causing me to laugh. But I quickly figured out that it was not funny as another pain shot through my stomach.

"You think we should go to the hospital?" Pope asked and I shook my head.

"No way. I don't have the money for extra hospital bills. I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said and I got up. I wobbled slowly to the bathroom as Pope helped me, but he stopped me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Your bleeding Y/n." He said as he continued to help me to the bathroom.

"From where? Your serious?" I asked him.

"Yes I'm serious Y/n. I think we should go to the hospital. I don't know much about pregnancy but I think you could be having a miscarriage-"

"What?!" I yelled and he jumped slightly.

"Well not a miscarriage but the baby is disintegrating-"

"Pope! Don't say stuff like that! Shit." I huffed.

"What do you need me to do? I have no idea how to help so just tell me. Oh my god that's a lot of blood." He gagged next to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Pope your kind of scaring the fuck out of me. Go and get me a pair of sweat pants and some underwear." I swallowed as I felt the panic begin to rise.

I took a few deeps breaths, telling myself everything was fine as I cleaned myself up. But my words of encouragement were quickly shut down when more and more blood just kept coming out.

Pope gave me my stuff and let me situate myself as I panicked silently behind the door.

"Can you call JJ please? And Mrs. Carrera." I said through deep breaths as the pain increased.

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