Chapter 12

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"Hell of a job melting it down Dr. Frankenstein," JJ remarks holding the gold in his hand. "Like you could've done better," you roll your eyes. "I could have, I took a welding class," JJ smirks at you. You open your mouth to argue back when your phone buzzes, "I'm gonna skip today and see y'all tonight," standing up, swinging your backpack over your shoulder. Everyone shouts a goodbye to you from around the yard when you walk to your bike. You smile at yourself that they were chill about it when usually it was tense and awkward to leave but maybe they were just too focused on the gold for once to care. 

On your way to the Cameron's mansion, you relaxed completely, the gold hunt was really wearing you out but you were also intrigued with it all to get slightly upset for missing out on it all today. 

You pulled in to the driveway, parking, grabbing your phone out of your bag to text Rafe that you were there, only because you hated walking into the house not knowing who could pop up around the corner. You waited a couple minutes and sighed when he never replied like usual and slowly approached the house, opening the unlocked back door and walking in.

You heard voices a couple rooms away, quietly stepping closer to the door to eavesdrop on who it was most likely Ward's conversation. "Y/n got us there so we'll get her to come with us," Rafe says. "Will she want to?" Ward asks. "She's coming over in a few minutes, I'll keep her here till it's time," he replies but there's something off about his tone, he sounds high as hell. Your breath quickens as you lean against the wall near the door. "I don't know Rafe," Ward adds hesitantly. You hear something hit the wall, "She has to I can't lose her plus she'll be happy with me somewhere else," Rafe says pacing as Ward walks nearer to the door, which you  take as your que to get out of the house, running back to your bike as fast as possible. 

You lean on your bike, trying to process what's going on, when your phone buzzes indicating that Rafe knows you're here now. You grab your phone out and hastily text JJ but before you can write it all out. "Oh hey baby," Rafe says walking up to you. You look up at him putting your phone back in your pocket. "What was that in there about?" you ask straight up. "What are you talking about?" Rafe asks with like a nervous chuckle. "You're gonna kidnap me?" You cross your arms. Rafe scoffs, "You're supposed to wait out here so you don't run into my dad." He points at you trying to turn it on you and off topic. "Seriously Rafe? Are you fucking high?" you snapped. You weren't upset really about him being high since you were all the time but this was more than normal. "No cause you're the one slumming it with those dirty ass pogues," he points at you. "Oh really? Those "pogues"," putting up air quotation marks, "are my family," you say standing up straight, with a cold stare. "No I am, you hear that Y/n I am not them me," he says getting close to you pointing at his chest. "I'm all you need," he says putting his hand on your shoulder. "John B is my brother, Rafe," you reply in a calmer tone. Rafe takes a deep breath backing up, hitting the side of his head with his hand a couple times, "No stop you're mine." 

Realization hits you, a thought coming into your mind making tears to already come to your eyes, "Rafe..." you say quietly, getting him to look up at you. "we both know I'm not." "What? You're my girlfriend," Rafe says. "Maybe I'm not, look at us you want to take me somewhere away from my brother along with the gold," you say getting on your bike, "It's over Rafe, now I need to go prevent your father from getting away with stealing my brother's gold." And with that you leave him standing there in the driveway as you drive back to the shato. 

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