Chapter 11

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Finding the spot Rafe told you to meet him, you get off your bike and take off your shirt so you were just in Jean shorts and your bikini top before walking towards the others.

Rafe smiles after seeing you walk up, "what'd I miss?" You ask hugging Sarah first on purpose to make Rafe wait. You start talking to her watching Rafe in the corner of your eye.

"Last time I checked you came for me," Rafe whispers in your ear hugging your waist from behind. "No, I came for Sarah," you joke turning around in his arms and kiss him passionately. "Get a room!" Sarah yells as you flip her off. "Okay I'll just invite John B over and see what happens then," you reply with a smirk. She laughs, you sit down next to Rafe and start rolling a blunt. "So you're with Rafe now?" Topper asks. "Yeah so what?" You reply smoking it.

"We should've gone night surfing" you say looking at the waves. "Yeah no, John B is still teaching me and Rafe doesn't know how" Sarah says as you roll your eyes and stand up "I'll race you" you tell them. Rafe stands up along with Sarah who quickly puts her hair up in a messy bun. Before counting down, you run towards the water, getting a headstart laughing when you hear Rafe and Sarah cuss before chasing after you. Rafe trips Sarah on purpose to slow her down catching up to you. "F*ck you!" Sarah yells at Rafe way behind now.

Rafe picks you up, spinning you then drops you in the water on purpose. You start laughing, having fun with him as Sarah just watches yall with a smile.

After a while, you and Rafe walk back up to Topper, Sarah, and Kelce sitting down and hanging out, you even talk to Kelce for a little bit till you get tired, resting your head on Rafe's shoulder till Rafe finally gets the hint and both of you say goodbye and Rafe drives you to his house on your bike. Quickly falling asleep next to each other.

*2 months later (don't be mad sorry)*

You and Rafe were still together you told the Pogues about a month ago even though they hated it they let you. You stayed at John B's every other night, staying with Rafe and hanging out the other nights.

But currently you were under Mrs. Crain's house as John B is in this huge hole looking to see if this was where the gold was. You hear him yell something but you can't figure out what it is. "What did he say?" Kiara asks. You shrug, "we should pull him back up," pope says as you grab onto the rope pulling John B back up. John B's muddy head comes up into view, "I found the gold!" John B shouts excited, you and Sarah let go of the rope surprised. Pope and JJ struggle to keep hold of the rope as John B disappears back into it. "Wanna help?" JJ asks as you and Sarah Quickly grab back on pulling him up. He stands up and shows you the gold with the wheat symbol on it. "And there's tons more down there" John B says as the old woman comes down the stairs of the basement with a gun in her hand.

"Shit shit shit" everyone says running out back to the van. "You smell disgusting" you say as Pope starts driving the van back towards the shato. "That bitch is possessed" Kiara says about the old lady as yall continue to scream about the gold till you get back to the shato.

But... little did you know Rafe heard everything since you accidentally accepted the phone call without knowing. "Where's the gold?" Ward asks rafe as he hangs up. "Crain's house," Rafe says with a cold tone in his voice.

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