Chapter 8

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When you and JJ pulled up to the Cameron's house you could see people heading towards the boat and could hear the music blasting. "Maybe this was a bad idea," JJ says turning off the bike. "Probably but whenever you want to leave we will I promise," you say smiling at JJ. "Shall we?" JJ says extending his hand. "We shall," you laugh grabbing his hand and following everyone else towards the boat. 

"Don't do anything stupid," JJ whispers in your ear before leaving to go find beers for you both. You smile and look around for Rafe and Sarah or even someone you know. "You made it," you hear Rafe's voice above the music behind you. "I did," you smile back at him as JJ comes up and hands you a beer. "Thanks J," you say, "Wanna shotgun it?" You smile mischievously at him. JJ doesn't even respond punching a hole in his and yours. "1, 2, 3," you say before chugging completely forgetting that Rafe was right there. "I call that a tie," JJ says when you both finish. "No I obviously won," you respond wiping your mouth. "I think Y/n won this one," Rafe says shortly causing you to smirk at JJ. "Guess what the loser has to do," you say walking closer to JJ. "We never established this part, so nothing," JJ says backing up anyway. "Do you want to come up to the top deck with me?" Rafe asks stopping you from doing something to JJ. "Uh yeah sure." you say as JJ frowns before smiling again when you look at him. "Guess you're out of it this time but I'll get you back don't worry." You start walking off with Rafe, "Yeah because it was a tie," JJ yells after you as you flip him off. 

"So what's up?" You ask leaning on the rail of the boat next to Rafe. "I just wanted to talk to you I guess," Rafe shrugs. "Well you could've downstairs," you laugh. "The view is prettier up here," Rafe responds looking at you. You ignore what he said or try to, "What do you want to talk about?" "I just thought we should get to know each other or something," he shrugs again. "What do you want to know?" you ask dropping your empty beer can off the railing to fall on someone. When they look up you smile and flip them off before looking at Rafe, "You really are a pogue." "Well then you really are a kook," you scoff. "How?" "Literally look at all this yeah it could be your father's money but still, you live in all this all your friends have this," you say seeing Sarah and JJ below, waving at them to get their attention. Rafe shrugs drinking more of his beer. "Did you finish that?" you ask him pointing at his can. "Uh yeah." "Good, I need to throw something at JJ to get his attention," you say taking it from him. 

You throw the can at JJ and Sarah, missing JJ but hitting Sarah in the shoulder, they both look up at you as you motion for them to come up to where you were. "Why'd you do that?" Rafe asks you turning to you. "Cause I thought it'd be fun if we all hung out together," you shrug. "What if I just wanted it to be you and I up here?" He says glancing from your eyes to your lips then back up to your eyes. You try to play it off, "Uh you never said you did," you joke. Rafe searches your eyes before kissing you passionately. You break it after a few seconds when you hear JJ and Sarah coming closer. "Uh," you stutter looking at Rafe kinda nervous about it all which was unlike you. "Don't leave until we can talk everything out," Rafe says as Sarah and JJ come into view. 

"There you are!" you smile running to Sarah to hug her. "We should've invited John B and Pope they would've had fun." "They're busy sorting through papers," Sarah says as you glance at JJ both of you about to start laughing again. "What's so funny about that?" Sarah asks sitting down grabbing a beer from a nearby cooler before tossing you one. "Nothing, nothing," you say as JJ sits next to you. You glance at Rafe for his reaction but he seems pretty chill leaning against the railing watching the conversation. 

"We should play a game like truth or dare," you say after shotgunning a beer. "I'm down," JJ replies. You roll your eyes, "Of course you are." JJ nudges you jokingly, making you laugh. "Alright truth or dare Sarah," you say with a sly look in your eyes. She stares at you for a minute, "Truth." "Dang," you mutter at her response. "Who's more fun to be around John B or me?" "Uh John B..." she whispers. "Wow and you call me your best friend," you say shocked honestly before laughing again. "Alright Rafe truth or dare," Sarah asks surprising him. "Truth," he shrugs. Sarah glances at you before looking back at Rafe, you get a little worried since JJ was right there. "Do you like Y/n?" You look at Rafe nervously. "Uh yeah I do she's a cool person why should I hate her?" He replies playing it off. Sarah looks at you and you shrug. "What are we going to do when we go back to the shato?" JJ asks you stopping the game for a few minutes. "It'll be interesting that's for sure," you reply before turning back to Rafe, "Now you go." "JJ truth or dare," Rafe asks. "Dare all the way," JJ replies trying to stay in a good mood for you. "Go get us a round of shots," he says as JJ stands up. "Easy but just to let you know kook, dares are meant to be hard but of course you're too much of a coward for that." "J that's enough," you say standing up too, "Just go get the shots then we can leave I promise." "I'll come help you out," Sarah says as you nod at her with a smile.

Once they leave you sigh, "Sorry about that he's trying I can tell." "Why are you going to leave?" "Because I promised JJ that whenever he wanted to we would and he's done," you explain looking at him. "Well um now we have to talk," Rafe says rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah I guess so." "I like you Y/n and I know we don't know much about each other but I want you to give me a chance," he starts grabbing your hands, "plus you're freaking hot." You laugh, "Really? That's the reason? Cause I'm hot?" "No of course not, I just I like you and I want us to have a chance," Rafe says as you lean up and kiss his cheek. "As long as we don't tell anyone yet k?" you ask him seriously. "Whatever you want is fine love," Rafe says, letting go of your hands. "Let me go find J, so we can go home but thank you for the compliment," you laugh grabbing another beer. "That's my beer," he says coming towards you. "Since I'm apparently now your girlfriend I think I can grab a couple more," you say jokingly grabbing several beers before leaving to go find JJ. 

So I know I might not have displayed Rafe right in this chapter, but this is going to have to be how it is. Hope you like it! Thanks for reading!

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