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~Armin's POV~ 


The muffled sound of the rain is the only thing I can hear. It's the only thing I focus on. The day is gloomy. Raindrops smash into the windshield, blocking the view. The taxi driver is cautious when driving. He too doesn't wanna end up on the side of the road with the car steaming and passengers bleeding. 

We cross over the bridge, the car bumping on the cracks in the pavement. Around us, the rain continues to pour. Nothing can stop it. It rules over this town I know all too well. It rules over us. It's one of those things we can't control in life. Annie is sitting right beside me in the back seat of the taxi. She's clutching my hand, staring at the railing of the bridge. The railing she stood on almost two years ago. 

It's winter. The season I met her. The season we fell in love. The season I fear the most but also love the most. The season that hurt us but saved us both. And we're here again, in the town that haunts us in the middle of the night. 

The car drives right past Annie's old neighborhood. I watch her eyes darken. She pulls down on her sleeves and crosses her arms, forming a tight shield around her. There she is again, freezing, putting up her walls to protect herself. My lips form a silent "it's okay" but I'm not sure if she catches it. We're both in our own little world today. We haven't been in this town for over a year now. I've finally gathered the courage to visit my grandfather's grave. 

When he passed, my grandpa left me the house. He also left me an apartment in Stohess. Annie and I moved there. It took everything in me to go to college and continue on with my life but I knew it would've made him happy. It made Annie happy knowing that I wont lock myself in a bubble of my own grief. 

"Alright kids," The taxi driver says once he stops the car. "this is your stop." 

I let Annie pay him since she stops my hand mid-air. I step out of the car. The umbrella covers me. I hold the door open for Annie and we sink into step. The giant gates of the graveyard are intimidating. My lips tremble. The taxi sends a trail of water flying when it drives off. Annie reaches up and clasps my hand, the one that holds the umbrella. 

She looks up at me. "We don't have to if you don't want to." 

"No." My voice comes out hoarse. I clear my throat. "We came all this way." I look away from her and at the gates. I step into the graveyard, water splashing under my boots. The warning wind that hits my face is cold. That's my last warning. My last chance to step back and leave. I ignore it. I cross the gates and into the graveyard. There's nothing but tombstones and trees for miles. The fog looms over them, making it seem even more haunting. 

Every step I take is more shaky than the next but I eventually make it to the spot where my grandfather rests. Right next to my parents. Right next to his wife. My mother's beautiful smile shines so bright. My father's proud eyes are staring off somewhere behind me. 

"I'll give you some space." Annie said. 

I nod and hand her the umbrella. The look in my eyes makes her understand and she doesn't protest. She takes the umbrella and steps away. She can't see it while her back is turned but I give her a thankful smile. 

My breathing is shaky, making the words that slip out of my tongue tremble. "Hi." I say. Like a shield, the rain envelops me. There's no response. Only the rain. And the wind. And the fog. 

"I'm going to the Era's tour." I announce. Tears sprinkle in my eyes. When my grandpa heard the news about the tour, he wanted to take me. If only he made it long enough for the international dates to be released. I look over at my parents. "I wish you guys were here to meet Annie. You'd love her." I clear my throat. The tears now leave my eyes. They spill down my face. I pretend they're not there, though. I pretend it's just the rain, dripping down my face. It's why I didn't want the umbrella with me. "I always wanted a love like yours. I have it, now. And I'm the happiest I've ever been." 

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