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~Annie's POV~

The snow blissfully glides down from the sky and onto the pavement. The fire crinkles from the fireplace, coloring my face bright orange. Fog floats from between my lips when I breathe out. August is watching me from the couch. Very, very intently. His bright yellow eyes remind me of her. They always do. I get up and dust my hands off. The wood in the fireplace is setting ablaze as it should. I make my way to the couch and sit down next to the cluster of gray fur. He looks up at me, as if he can read my mind. He sits up and tilts his head, still looking at me with that intent stare in his eyes. It's as if he knows how much he reminds me of her and how much I miss her. I guess this issue never came up in the park because he wasn't mine. 

I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to feel like I've replaced her. And I don't want him to think he was a replacement. Their resemblance is just a coincidence. I hate myself for feeling this way. Sometimes, August does something that Taylor would do and it hurts. It makes me wonder if they share any genetics. 

As if he can sense how I'm feeling, August climbs into my lap and starts to purr. I don't deserve this cat. Much like I don't deserve Armin. They've been nothing but kind to me. It's not easy, grieving over Taylor while caring for someone who looks so similar to her. But looking at him now, so at peace with me and so loving... It feels strange. It feels like I'm ready to begin again. Not move on but start opening up my heart and letting August in a little more.  

I flinch when the door opens. In comes Armin, wearing his grandfathers hat. The old man is right behind him. "Hey." He smiles upon seeing me. 

"How did the appointment go?" I ask. Armin and his grandfather spent the entire Saturday morning at the hospital. 

"Good. He's ready to start chemo now." 

I nod. "I'm glad." 

Armin's grandfather smiles at me from the door.  "We got donuts for you, Annie." He says. "You've worked so hard lately and have been a wonderful support for Armin." 

My lips part while I search for a response. "I owe it to him." I finally respond. I'm finally brave enough to meet Mr. Arlert's eyes. "Both of you have been nothing but great to me. So thank you." 

The old man chuckles. "Anything for my future daughter-in-law. Or is it granddaughter-in-law...?" He pauses. He taps his finger on his chin while he thinks. It's something I've noticed Armin do as well. The more time I spend here the more I realize how much they resemble each other. "Oh well," He shrugs. "It doesn't matter. As long as you're part of the family." His eyes are smiling at me. 

"Grandpa!" Armin yells. At least the old man has kept his humor while fighting for his life. 

Slowly, I'm tying the strings together. Work has provided a good distraction from my father. He hasn't called or even tried to look for me. Some nights I lay in bed, worrying. What if he got in another accident? What if he doesn't have the kind of money to buy food? Maybe I should've stayed home after all. But when I feel Armin's arm around my waist and look at the way he peacefully sleeps, all of my worry gets washed away and replaced with something I never thought I'd feel. Love

My father always told me that everyone would hate me. Especially after they found out how he treated me. I believed him the second I watched Pieck disappear from my view. But now, after spending so much time with Armin and being able to stand in front of him while he admired the smallest things about me has made me realized how wrong my father was and how wrong I was to believe him. 

There's a question that claws it's way into my vocal chords. It's a question I've been dying to know the answer to ever since we first crossed paths. Mr. Arlert has now left us alone so I take this as an chance to speak to Armin. 

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