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      We checked outside and saw him busy talking in his phone "great now I'm gonna go and flirt or talk to him and distract him while you go straight and turn left and you will see my personal bodyguard he will lead you to the airport" "wait if I get to the airport right now he would think the same rite.. he would come to the airport" I'm Soo smart "idiot he will think that you would think like that so he would arrange everything in the airport and make sure you will be in his embrace and second you stepped into the airport" ouuh "okay then"

Dyla went to him and started a conversation and I took the opportunity and walk as fast as I could in the direction she told me to go and I saw a muscular guy staring at me.... He came towards me and said "I'm miss Delnus's personal bodyguard ma'am" wait is that her last name? Wow nice Dyla Delnus

He lead me to the car and drove away.... I sighed finally this is happening he got a call and forwarded it towards me... "It's miss Delnus ma'am" I quickly took the phone "hello?" "Bitch you just made him punch me " I gasped " I'm getting out of here he will take u to the airport and I have arranged everything there so just leave ok? I will contact you as soon as you reached there" I felt bad " I'm sorry Dyla... Does he know I'm missing" I asked her and she sighed "probably cuz he just went searching for you but don't worry you and your baby will be fine"

**Time skip**
We arrived at the airport and the bodyguard settled everything and I am currently sitting in a airplane with my heart pounding what would he do if he catch me....what would he do to Dyla .... What if he do something to my baby... Just the thought of it made my eyes tear up... The scene of me looking at my baby sister's chopped head came into view and I couldn't stop crying....I put a hand over my belly "I'm gonna protect you at all cost baby... I will even die for you " I said that as I closed my eyes.... The sound of the plane talking off was calming and then a few minutes later I fell into a deep sleep....

**Time skip**
I woke up to someone shaking me I opened my eyes and saw...Sam? "Ma'am we have reached the destination" "s-sam is t-that you?" His face turned into a frown "sorry no ma'am I'm the flight attender" oh my god "oh I'm sorry i-i just thought you were- nevermind I'm sorry once again" he just smiled and went behind...

I'm currently at Australia now .... I stepped down the airplane and the wind was refreshing... A New Chapter To Begin....

I went to the cafe and ordered a hot black coffee ..... I was blur I had no idea on what I was going to do.... Maybe take a job being a waitress or work at the 7-eleven.... I sighed and burried my face in my hands.. I felt someone sitting infront of me .... I quickly look up and saw the man earlier who was the flight attendant he looked Soo similar like Sam

"Hey do you mind if I sit here?" He asked showing his pearl white teeth..."uhm yea sure I dont mind" he smiled and ordered a cappuccino "ate you new here?" "Yea I came here to start my life... Basically to restart it" he forwarded his hand "I'm Jake.... Jake Sully" wtfff "like avatar? " He laughed a little "yea " I shook his hand

"Nice to meet you Jake" we talked for hours and it was nice talking to him...and yea I totally forgot that I have to find a house and work and food.... Suddenly my phone rang... I looked at the caller id ... It was unknown.... My heart was pounding hard until I begin to sweat "hey are you okay" Jake face showed worry

"Y-yeah I'm fine just- excuse me" I went far from the table and picked it up "h-hello" I said "are you safe" Dyla asked ..... I exhaled sharply and told her everything happened .... " Okay I have rented an apartment for you and I have arranged the food there so just go and take a rest .... Find a job in the meantime ....."

I finished talking to her and I tuned to hit my face onto a muscular chest "owh" I looked up to see Jake smiling at me... My eyes widened "u-uhm when did you came " I asked... Was he eavesdropping

"I just came now... I paid the for us... Is that okay I wanted to buy u a drink" he said scratching the back of his neck"oh yea it's totally fine " we walked our of the cafe and we talked and talked and he was Soo funny turns out his parents are dead too

"Hey so do you mind if I drop you off tonight cuz it's late and yea maybe we could talk more" he said "b-bu-" "don't worry I'm not gonna kidnap you or anything I just want spend more time with you" I just nodded

He was talking the entire time in the car and surprisingly I was not annoyed until-"so do you have any siblings?" Tears welled up in my eyes "hey hey I didn't means to make you cry" he stopped the car on the side of the road and he was scared "no it's just- she passed away recently " "I'm Soo sorry please I didn't have any idea please forgive me"

"Y-yeah it's fine" the rest of the ride was silent...A few minutes later we arrived at an apartment.... "Thank you for the ride Mr.Sully" "Jake please " he smiled and then I got off the car he waited till I get into the apartment.... Dyla sent me the number and the informations about the apartment so it was not hard for me to find it...

When I went up I peeked to see Jake leaving.... He was nice no you are pregnant and we don't want any troubles now.... Yep it was true I need to maintain a distance whenever I'm with him....

I opened the door and it was nice... Small and perfect it has a bedroom attached with a bathroom and another small bathroom in the kitchen... It was nice and affordable

I went straight to the bedroom and layed down on the bed... That's it I have escaped.... Now I need to find a job ..... I touched my belly "I will protect you at all cost baby whatever happens you will be safe as long as you are with your mommy" I smiled and drifted off to sleep ......

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