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Jamal Above^

My phone began ringing, I answered and he stated. "I'm outside"

"You could have just texted that you know." I smiled.

"What if I wanted to hear your voice?" He asked, as he chuckled.

"Then say that, " I replied. "We'll be down in a few seconds."

After we hung up I told Alyssa and we began making our way down the hotel lobby. When we reached outside his eyes immediately found me. His eyes darkened when they drop from my face to my body.

We greeted him as we entered the car, we told him the address which he told the driver.

"You look beautiful, almost too good Tabun watashi wa anata o rokku suru hitsuyō ga arimasu." He replied mumbling the last part lower.
(T/S : maybe I should just lock you up)

"Thanks." I replied. I don't know why I felt good that he complimented me.

We chatted a bit on the way to the theme park. I learnt that he's 26, he's a CEO and he loves okonomiyaki, which he explain to me that it's a savoury pancake stuffed with cabbage, meat and seafood, he told me that he'll take me out to try it later. We talked about the theme park which made me started talking about one piece which he knew of but haven't watched it. I rambled on about it, trying to convince him to watch it. When I get passionate about something I get absorbed in it.

When we reached the park, I got out with the help of Kenji,  rested his hand on my back, so naturally.

His phone began ringing, which he answered and began speaking in Japanese. After he hung up he mentioned he had to leave. During all of this, his thumb gently caress my back. I know I should have told him to stop, but I secretly liked it.

He dropped his hand and said his goodbyes. After he left. Alyssa looked at me. "Don't start." I replied before she could say anything. She lifted her hands up and said okay, I felt her side eyeing me.

"Nothing is going on okay, I'm in a relationship, I love Jamal." I continued, "So if you think I'm attracted to Kenji, then think again, cuz I'm n-" I stopped. I'm saying too much aren't I.

"Girl calm down, you doing too much now I didn't imply any of that, so you are attracted to him." She teased.

I groaned and grabbed her by the arm pulling her with me as we walked inside the building. Today was mostly my day, yesterday was mostly Alyssa since she loves dancing and clubbing, I don't mind clubbing, but I don't particularly enjoy it that much.

We went around the building, with me chatting her ears off when she ask me something about one piece or something she sees. "You're such a nerd, it's cute." She teased.
"Shut up Lyssa." I replied.

After we went around the building exploring and did a puzzle game, it felt like I was inside One piece, almost like I was a member of the straw hats pirates. After that I took a commemorative photo, which I asked Lyssa to take for me. Then we went o the the merch shop where I bought a few stuff. I got three key chain one for myself and Jamal. I held the last one in my hand. Why did I get a third one. I shrugged and place it in my bag.

After we finished, we went to the cola stop, which consist of a rest stop with refreshments. We got a drink and some snacks. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Alyssa asked, as she pulled out her phone.

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