Tradgy and Comedy [12]

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Y/n got to stay with miss Odayaka and she was sleeping in his son's old room, she always has sleeping clothes at her house so she changed into them quickly. She has a simple white vest on with some black shorts on and some frilly white socks. Outside was covered in darkness and she bets Musume and him were having the time off their life without her there. She pulled the covers over her more, sinking her face into it's warmth; she wishes life was a whole lot easier.

She looked out the window and a sudden thud against it by a figure covered in darkness scared the life out of her. She sprung out of bed ready to tell miss Odayaka till she got a message from weird boy (Ayato).

Weird boy
I'm outside your neighbour's window

Weird boy
Could you let me in? It's freezing out her and I might get hypothermia

Weird boy
Well hurry up it's hard to text with one hand and hold on

Weird boy
I'd like if you got a move on :)

Y/n chucked her phone on her bed and quickly unlocked the window with a huge heave, she pulls Ayato in with great strength. He had on a grey hoodie with dark grey trousers along with a black baseball cap and converses, "Take your shoes off, I don't want miss Odayaka's house getting dirty. Follow me, but be quiet." Y/n whispers, Ayato immediately takes his shoes off and carries them in one hand. Y/n takes his sleeve and they quietly tiptoe to the bathroom, which looks extremely old fashioned and the wallpaper makes it even more ancient.

She turns the tap on, grabbing his finger and placing it under the warm water, electricity run throughout his body at her touch. It's like a spark alights whenever they touch, "Once your fingers warm up you can tell me how you found me and why you're up so late, coming over to me anyways." Y/n let's go off his hand, letting him do the work for himself, afterall no one asked him to come out n the freezing cold with no gloves.

Ayato's cheeks get warm, she looks cute when she's angry.

He needs to stop thinking that way, Y/n has a point. Why is he out here?

He glances at her cheek, noticing a bruise slowly forming on her face, that's right he saw what happened. He remembers, stabbing his key into her father's tires and then he went back into a bush to observe what would happen next. Fatigue must of overtaken him and he fell asleep, only waking up when he saw Y/n going to miss Odayaka's house. What's a good lie to get Y/n off his back? "I wanted to apologies for... Getting you wrapped into my mess with Taeko. I shouldn't of done it and wanted to make it up to you and I saw you... Go into Miss Odayaka's house." Ayato answers, that should be convincing enough.

"I went into her house hours ago, what the hell have you been doing all of that time?" Y/n pushes on.

Why did she have to be so resilient.

"Did you get hurt? I can see a bruise on your cheek, you can talk to me, Y/n." He diverts the conversation, Y/n looks away, opening the bathroom door and going back to the room she was originally in to sit on the bed. Ayato sat on the floor in front of her waiting to speak, "I'll tell you later... C'mon Ayato, no one waits outside someone's house for so long just to apologies. You could have just texted me." She says, looking down at him. Why did he have to be such a bad liar? "I wanted to go out with you?" He phrases it like it's a question and the wording is off, Y/n raises her eyebrow.

"I mean... Like, cycle around town?" Ayato blurts out, it wasn't intentional and he hoped Y/n would say no but being the Y/n he knows she smiles at the idea. "I would like that, I have to change so out." Y/n commands, Ayato wastes no time heading back into the bathroom, not wanting to be out in the open in the hallway. He heard a door opening and it was way to close than Y/n's so he pulled away the shower curtains, closing it and lying down flat in the bathtub. "Where are my pills?" Miss Odayaka says, rummaging through her cabinet. "Here it is." Y/n enters the room handing it to her. "You are wonderful, head to bed now dear." Miss Odayaka says with a cheery tone, she exits the room as well, heading back to her own.

You Complete MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora