Playin' Cupid [10]

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The day was horrible and rainy but love is in the air and Y/n has her bow and arrow at the ready to pair some lovebirds together. After Amao went missing, she's been trying to find anything to distract herself with anything. Now, she's planning on stopping Ayato from making a train wreck off Taeko and his relationship with her.

All she had to do was to get Taeko and Ayato to love eachother, well one step was already complete. Ayato was in love and Taeko being as blind as a bat can't see that. She's practically married to that book she's always reading, but maybe once she looks away from the pages of fictional characters and made up worlds she'll see him.

She needs to talk to Kokona, then Saki, an actual murder has happened and she needs to try getting as much evidence as possible to save herself from Info-chan's blackmail. She guesses, she has to stop this murderer from killing people too but it's not like she likes anyone at this school. Since, Amao has....Died, Saki isn't apart of a club so she's probably hanging out with Kokona in the gym. Y/n can't believe he's dead, she was so nervous to talk to him not knowing that would be the last time she ever saw him.

He was her first friend, her neighbor and her escape from her life at home. Why did he have to die? Why him? One of the people who actually cares about her and yes, they haven't spoken in whole but it still hurts just as much.
She opens her locker to see at the very back a picture of a young Y/n and Amao, running through his grandma's field. Amao stayed with his grandma a lot, since his parents were busy with the bakery and they always had a fun time together. A tear unintentionally falls down her cheek and she is startled by Budo, leaning against the locker behind her.

"I came to see how you were holding up, Y/n" Budo says, opening his arms out to hug her, which she excepts, "I know Amao would want you to celebrate his life not cry." Budo wipes away her tear, Budo really is a nice person and he can cheer her up so easily. "Thank you Budo. I really appreciate it." Y/n thanks, Budo nods with his signature grin, revealing his perfect teeth and he walks off with his club members following behind him.

Ayato spawns out off nowhere and starts dragging her away and starts chatting about Taeko's every move like a stalker.

Like we get it, you like Taeko.

He definitely lives by live, laugh, love Taeko.

Anyways, Y/n is patiently waiting around a wall for her victim to walk up the hallway (maybe she shouldn't say victim if a murderer is in school). She pokes her head around the corner to see her target and then goes, thud right into her.

Her book goes flying and lands at Ayato's feet, he flushes as pink as the cherry blossoms around school and picks it up. Taeko has been knocked onto the floor and Y/n has to act like she didn't just knock her over intentionally, "Oh, I'm so sorry! Your name is Taeko right?" Y/n said holding her hand out to Taeko, which she takes, Y/n ignores the fact she already met her vomiting in a bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm Taeko Yamada and your Y/n. Nice to meet you?" Taeko spoke wearily, shaking Y/n"s hand with a firm grip, Taeko turns around to see a boy blushing madly and breathing in and out deeply and overall looking like a weirdo about to drool in her prescense. This is going to be more harder than she thought.

Y/n's face scrunches up seeing this shocking display of his attempt to talk to someone he likes. "What's up with-" Taeko gets interrupted by Y/n, Y/n does Ayato a favour by snatching the book out his hand and shoving him out of her view, "Sorry, about him..." Y/n leans closer to her to whisper into his ear, "He's a bit socially awkward but he's nice once you get to know him." She stands up straight and pulls Ayato back by his collar and grabs his wrist so hard his blood vessel was about to pop and gently grabs hers to shake his hand.

Y/n looks up to Ayato to notice a trail off blood pouring out of his nose when he stared into Taeko's eyes. She's feeling major second hand embarrassment, "Sorry, excuse us for a moment -" Y/n pushes Ayato into the classroom they where standing near and locked the door, "Are you trying to look like a total creepo?" Y/n questions, digging her hands into her pocket to find a scented pack of lavender tissues.

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