Mind Massacre [9]

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open and she found herself outside the school gates, the cherry trees rustled and the smell of freshly cut grass was in the air. It was quiet enough for her to hear the birds flying above her tweeting sweet songs, she began to walk. An she was shocked by how isolated the area was, so much so that she could even hear her own footsteps and she didn't have to battle with everyone else's to hear her own.

The school stood in front of her, bathing in the suns rays its, she truly was lucky to attend a school like this, she began to walk through, past the locker's and began to walk upstairs to her classroom door.

She slid it open and stepped back in horror.

Her stomach twisted and she felt sick to her core, her back leaned against the wall and she slid down the wall.

It was a bloodbath, she saw her teacher's head without the body ,that was supposed to be attached to it, with an expression of fear forever frozen on her face.

Her hand slammed into the wall as she desperately pushed herself up with her knees shaking as she shuffled, she saw more of her class and someone sliced in perfectly in half. There organs spilt out creating space between one half and the other, she couldn't bare to look anymore so she ran.

She ran to the bathroom ready to vomit her soul out till she stopped midway in the door. Musume...

Her vocal cords seemed to have been ripped straight out of her throat and she laid still on her side with blood gushing out of her throat, Y/n fell to her sister's side and placed her head gently in her arms.

Her tears dropped down her face onto Musume's, her eyes were wide open and her mouth was a gape, Y/n combed her hair gently through her bleached locks remembering her natural hair colour. When she wasn't as bad, and things were better.

Y/n's chest heaved in and out and it was getting do hard to breathe, her vision blurred as more tears arose out of her tear ducts and fell down her face.

She knew Musume wanted to scream, speak out and make herself heard and the person ,who did this took that very thing away, took her away. it seemed she was originally hit with a blunt object before, a knife had been used to rip out her vocal cords. She gently pulled her into a sitting position so she wasn't stuck laying on a cold hard floor.

She stumbled out the bathroom, making quick breathes since it felt she wasn't getting any to her lungs and went down the stairs once more, with the gross feeling off blood on her. She wanted to wash it off so bad. She wishes she didn't come downstairs, all she sees is red, a massacre of bodies snd blood scattered along the floor and ceiling.

She felt numb, and she looked at the faces of people she once glanced at and walked past daily, she stepped carefully over the corpse's and reached the locker's.

She's sure she saw the bodies of Kokona, Saki, Budo and Fruedddo, she hasn't seen Ayato, maybe he got away? She pressed on till she saw a shadowy figure, and her anger bubbled over.

"Why? Why!?" She shouts grabbing their neck between her two hands, shaking them to answer and acknowledge her like the countless people they killed and the people she loved and cared about.

They didn't answer, she couldn't tell who they were their whole body was obscured with darkness and she went to punch them only for them to catch her hand and pull her into their grasp. Darkness covered her vision.

She jolted awake and stared around her room.

She so glad that was a dream, and she laughed a bit under her breath and held her hand to her chest as she took a deep breath.

Her phone dinged and she looked at her phone.

Amao has been officially declared missing.

Her whole world has been turned upside down these past few days, it's now Thursday and 6:00 and she looks like a wreck, dark bags are under her eyes and even looking around her room irritates her eyes.

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