11. First case

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It's been a while of the Tewkesbury case. Enola has moved in and she has started a new business. I, of course offered to help and I became her assistant.

We had our little detective agency in a busy road but clients we didn't see so often and always when we had someone it went in the same way every time.

First they question our age then our experience and then they'll ask the same question.

"Tell me,.. might your brother be free?"

We stood outside the building and watched how a man erase the text on the window. The business didn't go as we planned. We both signed. We failed.

As we were packing our stuff inside we heard that little bell ring. We stood up but didn't see anything. I realise to close the cover of a luggage. There were sanding a little girl. No more older that 13. She was holding a piece of newspaper in her hand.

"Enola Holmes?"


"I've come to the right place then"

"Is it true that you find lost people?" She asked and handed that piece of paper to her.

"Where did you get this, it's months old?" Enola asked, clearly confused.

"Probably on the street, it looks like someone has run over it" I said.

The little girl nodded.

"Who have you lost?" Enola asked.

She looked worried but I'm pretty sure she was excited inside. It would be our first case.

It was silent a while between us.

"My sister" The little girl said finally.

We locked eyes with Enola. I nodded to Enola.

"Lead the way"


The little girl lead us to a little part of London. It wasn't the fanciest place I been. Some people there looked poor and angry or disgusted.

"Watch the gap" she yelled us while jumping on a bridge made out of some wooden planks.

We followed her. I saw people giving us some weird looks. It made me uncomfortable. Well this is our job now.

"She disappeared a week ago" The little girl told us.

"Some people said she ran away but Sarah wouldn't do that"

"Not to me" She continued with a little sad tone in her voice.

"She's my only family now"

She lead us in to a old house. It had multiple floors and all of the were full. The stair were old and narrow.

"This way" She said and walked us in to a room.

"The other girls are still at work"

We walked in to a room. It looked like a kitchen and a bedroom. It was messy.


"Thank you" Enola said.

"I don't need" I said. Tea was alright but I was bit scared that she would poison it.

A little girl wouldn't do that right? Well you never know. I didn't want to take a risk. I walked around the room while Enola talked to the girl. I heard that the girls name was Bessie.

I heard some steps. An older girl, probably in her early twenties came in to the room.

"Who are these, Bess?"

"I'm Enola Holmes and she is Y/n Y/l/n" Enola told.

"They're detectives"

I stood closer to the corner. It felt like I was invading someone privacy.

"She looks like she would blow over in the wind"

"Mae!" Bessie said.

Mae.. okay. She didn't even pay attention to me. Enola kept interviewing Bessie while I looked around bit better.

I could feel Maes stare in to my back.

"Hey, how about you two quit sniffing around"

"Quiet Mae, let the do their job!" Bessie snapped.

There was a table in front of a window. On the table there was two flower pots. The other one had red flowers that were alive, in the other one the flowers were dead.

Enola kept asking some questions while going around the room. I followed her. She stopped in front of a bin. There was some burned papers. I picked up a piece of paper, blew the ash off and gave it to Enola.

"12th of march, does that date mean anything to you? She asked Bessie.

"Okay, thats enough!" Mae snapped.

Did we found something or why did she snap like that?

"We don't need help from someones like you" She said.

"I found her so she is staying" Bessie said back.

Enola and I just looked at each other. I hope thay don't start arguing. That would be awkward.

Mae just turned her back and walked out. She muttered something and left.

"She didn't leave a note?" Enola asked.

"Nope, just this" Bessie said and dug some coins from her pocket.

I stopped listening after that. It's a bad habit. I went over to the books on the table. I picked up one and started to go through it. I didn't find anything.

"It's time to leave Y/n!" Enola yelled.

I walked out of there behind Enola.

"We're going to a match factory tomorrow"

"Mm okay" I said.

This was going to be exciting.

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