8. Basilwether

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Time has passes. You, Enola and Tewks came to an intersection. Enola stops the automobile. She thinks something.

"Why have we stopped?"

"Enola what ever your planning..." He never finished that sentence cause Enola wasn't listening.

"We need to go to Basilwether"


Tewks clearly didn't like the idea. Why? Ohh then I remember. Its his home and he is clearly on the run.

"An injustice has occurred, its time to right some wrongs" Enola told.

I had no idea what she is talking about. I have clearly lived under a rock. I didn't listen very well. But what I heard and understood Tewks uncle was behind his fathers dead? This just got very scary. And I heard Tewks say that we're going to a place with certain danger. I'm not very happy.


It was already dark. We got closer a huge mansion or a castle. Every even somewhat big houses felt massive right now. I don't know why tho. Probably because I live in a small apartmet. But still this mansion was massive.

In front of the door Enola and Tewks had a little conversation. I didn't listen at all. It was a bad habit. But I was just so scared. I wasn't really a brave person.

"Come on Y/n"

"Wha- yeah coming!"

I ran up to Enola and Tewks. We walked inside. It was dark and empty. Not like empty empty there wasn't just any people.

"Where are all the servants?" Tewks said. So I wasn't the only one with that feeling.

"Welcome to the future" Enola said while closing the door.

"Mother?" Tewks voice echoed trough the halls.

We walked little stair up in to a room.

"What's happening?"

"They know we are here"

I heard a rifle load.


We hid behind a table as a vase blew up. I was scared. A whimper escapes my mouth as another shot flew towards us still missing us.


We ran in to a hall. We tried to open a door.

"Its locked"

No, no, no. Another shot nd another that nearly hit us. A scream escapes from everyones mouths. We ran behind a statue. My heard was beating faster that ever. Shot.
We went down closer the floor as the statue broke. Enola picks up s part of the statue and trew it towards an armor. The shooter shot the armor.

I didn't know who it was but I didn't matter. All that did was getting out alive.

"Stay here" Enola said and rolled to the other side. The shooter shot again towards us. It hit a armor behind as shattering it to the ground. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I was in like a trance. Just staring at a wall hoping that I could be invisible and walk out of here.

I snapped out of the trance. The shooter was pointing the rifle at me. It was a man, very ugly one. Then Enola jumped on the man. She choked him. The man trew Enola to the ground and started kicking her. Then he hit her with that rifle in the head. He pointed the rifle at her head. She was unconscious. Then my survival instinct kicked in. I ran to the man and kicked him behind. That wasn't much but the rifle flew from his hand to the ground.

Kicking that man was easy but so was him to hit me. I flew to the ground. Tewks ran out of the hiding spot and hit that man. Well that man pulled a string out of his pocket and started choking him. I was so scared that I didn't want to move. Maybe if I play unconscious nobody will attack me.

I shut my eyes. I could hear Tewks screams and grunts but I didn't help. "I don't know the guy very well thats why" I said in my head but that is not a valid reason to not help someone. I just didn't want to get more trouble.

Soon I heard a thump and the grunts ented. Did he die? Because I didn't help. Someone slapped me. I opened my eyes. I rose to stand. I saw the man dead. The I heard steps echoing in the walls.

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