1. Where is she?!

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I'm sitting in the carriage. The carriage shakes from side to side. Forest goes by and changes to a field. I was going to meet my old friend Elona. I was going to meet her at her birthday but I was busy so I come a day later. That should be fine?

Soon I arrive in front of a big house. The driver gives his hand but I just jump out of the carriage. A little scoff escapes his mouth.

The house has grown vines all over it and its huge. I started walking to the door. Before I even have time to knock the door opens. It nearly hit my face.

"Oh.. So sorry my dear" a woman says

"Come in"

I walked in. The first room was a mess. It had two tennis rackets on top of a table and all the paintings were crooked.

I looked around.

"Wheres Enola?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Shes gone"

"Nobody knows where she is"

My eyes widened. Shes gone?! But who are the people in this house? I could hear talking in the other room. There were two men.

"I though you are here to help find her" the lady said.

"Oh.. but who are the people in the other room?" I asked. I had to know.

"They are Enolas brothers"

She had brothers?! I didn't know that.
Well I'm not surprised we haven't met in like 5 years.

We walked in to the other room. There were two man standing and looking everything they could. As I stepped in to the room they both stopt and turned theyre heads.

"And who might you be?" Man with a moustache asked.

"Umm... I'm Y/n Y/l/n"

"What are you doing here" he continued.

"I was suppose to meet Enola but she isn't here and who might you be?"

"Its none of your bussines lady"

I looked at him and furrowed my brows at bit.

"I'm Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes" the other man said.

I looked at him. He was gorgeus. Brown curly hair, sharp jawline and big shoulders.

"The sherlock Holmes?" I asked with my eyes wide again.


Oh my goos its really him! The Sherlock Holmes.

"Are you looking for you sister?"
"Could I help?"

"I don't thi-"

"I think its none of you bussines young lady" The moustache man said.

"You should have better manners and leave the looking for professonals"

What. Better manners? But I didn't do anything "wrong".

I turned around and started to leave.


I turned to face Sherlock.

"Just so you know she propaply went looking our mom, shes gone too"

"Just so if you want to go look for her that I don't recmmend tho"

"Okay.. mm thanks"

I walked out of the door, in to my carriage. I'm not a detective so I have no idea where she even could be but I'm still going to London so why not look for her at the same time.

||Don't Be Ridiculous|| (H.C) Sherlock Holmes X FemYnWhere stories live. Discover now