Sharing The Night Together

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Author's Note: For those of you that are listening to the songs with the story, bear with me on this one. I know the song is ridiculous, but let's let Michael have his moment.

The morning light washed over their bodies, bringing them warmth in its glow. They were still tangled from the night before, her arm draped over his still bare chest and his leg was between hers. The brightness began to make her stir. She lifted her head from his shoulder and smiled at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful. Seeing him in the light was truly magical, she had never seen a more beautiful man. She briefly wondered why it was he ever felt the need to cover himself. He was a work of art. If she had it her way he would never wear a mask again, though she loved him regardless. She gently moved a piece of his hair away from his eyes, she wanted a clear picture to remember in case he hid himself from her again. He didn't react. Normally he would startle at her touch and tense up, but he stayed fast asleep. She knew he was truly at peace with her. It made her happy.

She carefully lifted herself out of bed. She felt him grab her hand before she was fully out, his sleepy eyes looking at her in question.

"I'm not leaving, I promise, I'll be back," she whispered.

She leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips. He held her there, hoping the feeling would linger when she left the room. She pulled away, marveling at the way a smile looked on his face. He released his grip and watched, dazed, as she draped one of the curtains over her bare shoulders and glided out of the room. He placed his hands behind his head and let out a contented sigh before he drifted off again.

He was in a world of bliss, one he didn't know existed. He opened his eyes and the room had changed. There were sheets covering him instead of curtains, those were on the windows and they weren't old and withered. They were new. The walls had paint on them and it wasn't peeling. The wood looked as if it hadn't aged a day. He sat up and looked around. The house was no longer empty, it was filled with decor and light. He stood up and went to the window to pull back the curtains and look outside. The day was still, save a gentle breeze he could see that was blowing the orange and red leaves through the air. She was out there, enjoying the sun on her face. She wasn't in her worn out jacket, she wore new clothes, a dress. It was splayed out in the grass, delicately draped over her legs. Her face was as clear and content as it had been the first time he had ever seen her. As though she had never endured any trials and tribulations a day in her life.

She caught him staring and flashed that smile he was so addicted to. He felt that strange feeling in his stomach he used to be so bothered by, but allowed it to spread within him. It made him want to go to her. He walked down the hallway that was decorated with pictures. They were in them together, happy. It was odd to see himself look so normal. He even had a smile on his face. The front of the house was just as wondrous as the bedroom had been. Furniture was tastefully placed in various areas, flowers were on the table, the windows were open to let the autumn air in. This was definitely her work.

He walked through the open front door into the inviting weather. It was just warm enough to enjoy without a coat. It was a perfect day. Almost as beautiful as she was, but for him, nothing could ever compare to her. He walked over to where she sat and allowed himself without a second thought to sit beside her. He made note of the lack of hesitation he had, it was pleasant without it there.

"Hey you," she said as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I thought you'd never wake up."

That made him wonder. Had his life before really just been a bad dream? Could it be that this world he was in with her was reality? He doubted it, but wouldn't wish it away if his life depended on it. To sit there with her and feel truly content, no hunger, no thirst for death. It couldn't be real, not for him. Yet, there he was in the grass with her, maskless, his own body clothed in normalcy.

He let his fingers run through her hair, it felt soft and freshly cleaned. The breeze surrounded him in the sweet perfume she wore. To see her and feel her like this, like she had been before was special. He would liked to think she was this happy because of him and whatever life it was they were living here. That he had been the one to make her smile in such a way that suggested their life was perfection. The way she was now looking at him implied maybe he wasn't wrong, maybe he was the reason.

"Something on your mind?" She asked.

For once, nothing was. Just her. Without hesitation, he kissed her. His hand rested gently on her neck as his thumb traced her jawline. Her lips curved into a smile against his and he took his opportunity to deepen it. He let his tongue explore hers and he realized he would never truly get enough of her. There would always be more to discover. He pulled her on top of him so he could feel her wrap her legs around him once more. Her hands cupped his face as the sound of her soft giggles filled his head. He wondered how he had gone his whole life without this and how it had so quickly become something he couldn't live without. There would never be come a time he wouldn't crave her arms around him and her lips against his. It would most definitely be problematic as most addictions are, but if they could stay like this, he didn't care. He would let her be his heroin.

His hand fell to her leg, inching up the exposed skin to push the hem of her dress up further. He grabbed a handful of her thigh and let his grip tighten. He relished the soft gasp she let out against his lips.

"Michael," she whispered as his hand slipped under her clothing, "we haven't even had breakfast yet."

He had never been more hungry for something in his life. He only grabbed her tighter in response and she didn't deny him. Their night together had awakened something in himself that he wasn't finished exploring. Her body was a book he couldn't put down, each page he turned only made him want more. Each move she made was something new to learn, a new chapter in this story between the two of them.

The day passed as he wanted it to, each second was spent with her in his arms and the autumn air wrapped around their bodies. As night began to fall, they made their way into their home. The simplicity of it all was so new to him, but he studied every moment. She locked the doors, turned on a few lights and motioned for him as she walked to their bedroom. The soft glow of a lamp cast her shadow on the wall as she changed into a nightgown. He watched her from the bed as she stood in front of a mirror and brushed her hair. He stood up and went over to her, she watched him from the reflection and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He nestled his face into her neck.

"What has gotten into you today?" She asked as he kissed up her neck.

He stopped and met her gaze through the mirror. The dim light accentuated her soft features and that sleepy look in her eyes warmed his heart.

"It's always been you," he replied.

He had spoken without even realizing he had done it. His smile faded. He knew he was dreaming.

Michael Myers: Final GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon