Chapter 67 - January 9, 2016

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"So, you aren't dead" I mused, my eyes raking over the man in front of me as if the wound I was told about would magically appear, and I would bear witness to his death.

"I'm not, no" Coulson replied, his tone easily communicating the fact that he wouldn't say more about the subject. I narrowed my eyes at him for a second before giving up and looking down at the file that he had handed me.

"So this is the information for their mission? Who's going?"

"There's a list of who would be the best fit, but the end contributors will be up to you and Captain America."

I pursed my lips, swallowing the comment about Coulson's love for Steve and instead nodding in agreement. Coulson nodded once before leaving me alone in the hallway. I had to wonder if the main six knew he was still alive.

I shook the thoughts out and focused on the file, flipping through the papers as I made my way to the conference room. Coulson had said that I would contribute to the choosing of the mission's participants, which meant that I would have a larger role than Fury had originally proposed.

That being said, I could still do nothing more than sit around while others got to use their skills on missions.

"JARVIS, call Steve to the conference room. I need to talk to him about a new mission assignment."

"Right away, miss."

I walked into the conference room, plopping the file down on the table and leaning over it, brows furrowed in concentration. Coulson's suggestions was great and all, but it wasn't the best it could be for this particular mission.

"You called for me?"

I hummed, waving Steve over and sliding the file to him. "New mission courtesy of Fury. Their suggestions of Avengers was you, Sam, Wanda and Nat."

Steve was silent as he read through the pages, the sound of paper flipping echoing through the room until he nodded and stood back at his full height, turning to face me. "That works."

"Yeah, but don't you think it would be better to substitute Clint for Nat? Arrows would be a lot quieter to start with a covert infiltration and she's been working with Yelena to free the widows." I suggested, shuffling through the pages and bringing out the one in question. "Also, if we send Tony as well, he'll have an easier time breaking through the material of the base to get in and help the hostages."

Steve's brows shot up in surprise and he looked from me to the paper. "You're right. But this is time sensitive, we wouldn't have enough time to wait for Clint to return and get to Russia."

"He's here today. I saw him earlier talking to Nat" I informed the blond, standing straighter as a tinge of pride pricked me. Maybe I would be good at this.

"Then I like your plan. Call them down here and explain the mission while I get the jet ready" Steve ordered, a large hand patting my shoulder before he disappeared from the room.

I grinned, bouncing a little. "JARVIS, tell Sam, Clint, Wanda and Tony to come to the conference room. Official Avengers business."

It didn't take long for the four to gather in the room, and I made sure to brief them quickly so that they could suit up and rush to the hostage situation in question. Once they were all off I dropped myself into one of the chairs, sighing heavily.

"You look depressing" a voice commented and I turned to look at the man walking into the room.

"I'll punch you" I warned, pushing myself up from the chair. "There was a new mission and I would have been perfect for it."

"That's very," Pietro paused, his face scrunching up. "What's that word you used while we were playing games?"

"Cocky, I know."

"Wanda only wants to keep you safe."

I groaned obnoxiously, sliding down into my seat. "I know! But come on! I wouldn't even have to fight! I could just go invisible and scope it out or get the hostages to safety."

Pietro hummed, holding out his hand to help me out of my seat. "Didn't you say you needed to get a present for Barton's kid? We could go do that."

I perked up a little, allowing the man to pull me to my feet. "I do yeah. I guess that'll be fun. I don't know what to get her though."

"She's a girl, so get her a doll" Pietro suggested, almost immediately earning a punch in the arm from me. "Ow, why?"

"The girls you are around every day are me, your sister, and two ex assassins and you just suggested a doll? What kind of gender stereotype shit was that?"

He held up his hands in surrender, a pout forming on his face. "I was only saying because Wanda liked dolls when we were younger. We could never really afford one but she always wanted one of those barbies."

I huffed, letting it go and thinking about his proposition.

"Alright, I've figured it out, it's time to head to the mall" I announced, grabbing Pietro's hand and beginning to pull him toward the part of the compound that housed all of Tony's cars.

"Can't we just speed there?"

"I have to buy lots of things, so unless you feel like being a pack horse, no we can't."

Pietro grumbled unhappily but stayed silent, allowing himself to be dragged along with me.

Once to the garage I surveyed the vehicles, finally choosing a convertible and hopping in.

"Get in loser! We're going shopping."

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