Chapter 11 - October 25, 2016

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Unintentionally, Natasha and I had ended up spending a large chunk of the day wandering around the mall and going to various stores, as well as getting breakfast, coffee, lunch, and snowcones.

Well, I got a snow cone. Natasha had declared herself too fancy to eat one. Maybe not in those exact words, but I could tell by the way she eyed me as I chipped the ice with the plastic spoon, a frozen chunk breaking free while also spraying ice on her.

"So, you think you got enough stuff?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder and into the car.

We had realized after the first store that bringing a car with the smallest amount of space had been a less than genius idea, so Natasha had called Happy to exchange the cars. He grumbled about having better things to do, but currently he didn't. Now, the trunk was filled with clothes and other items I would need, although I resisted the excessive amount of items at first.

'At first' being the operative words.

"Probably" I hummed, sticking the spoon in my mouth. "Did Bruce test my blood?"

"He's working on it now. Stark got him all caught up in the party."

I hummed and glanced down at my hand, trying-and ultimately failing-to make it turn intangible like I had before. I huffed before focusing back on my melting treat.

"So, what happened with you and Wanda?" Natasha asked, repeating her earlier question and I sighed.

"You're a lot more talkative than other Natasha." I looked over at the redhead to see she was staring at me, not letting the topic go. I swirled the blue liquid in the styrofoam cup for a moment before shrugging. "She just pissed me off."

"Everything she does seems to piss you off" Natasha mused and I grumbled to myself.

"Because she's just so...her. She's nothing like my Wanda."

Natasha let out a hum but before I could ask anything else she pressed on. "What did she do this time that was so much worse?"

"She invaded my privacy. Again."

Natasha nodded, hearing the edge to my tone that let her know I wasn't saying more on the matter. Instead, she picked a new topic. "You said you and I never hung out in your world? Why?"

I shook my head and pointed my spoon at her. "I said we never talked. We were together a lot, actually, but you just kept to yourself."

"And then I died" Natasha said slowly, dread painting her tone and I once again shook my head.

"You aren't her. Everything is different here. That Natasha did die, yes, but you aren't her."

Natasha smiled a little, surveying me for a second. "How did she die?"

"According to S.W.O.R.D, Clint said she gave her life for the soul stone to bring us all back. Nobody really acknowledges that though." I huffed, frowning. "Everyone talks about how terrible the world is without Steve and how Iron Man saved us all but, let's be honest, the arrogant asshole probably thought he could survive."

Natasha chuckled at my comment about Stark and I resented the small feeling of remorse I got for speaking about him like that. I understand he saved the world, and that he was now dead, but there was no way I could ever forgive him for what he did.

But not hating this Stark was making the feelings run together, and I hated it.

"Do you know why? Why she was the one who sacrificed her life?"

"I know what Clint reported, which was that they went together to this weird planet to get the stone, and it was one or the other. She made the choice."

"Then she didn't do it for the world to call her a hero, she did it so Clint could go back to his family, and probably so she would finally be able to clear her ledger." Natasha said softly. "I know that's why I would do it."

I nodded, not sure of what else to say or do. We sat in silence for a few minutes after that and I let my mind wander back to the one person I would have sacrificed my life for without a second thought. The one I had sacrificed my life for, in a way.

And then there was Wanda. My best friend.

To be honest, the more I dwelled on it the more reluctant I was to use the term 'best' in front of the word friend. I cared for her, of course, but she seemed to want nothing to do with me lately, and Westview had made that clear.

Natasha and I sat and watched people wander to and from their cars. I was hit with a realization I seemed to get every once in a while when I saw a stranger; the realization that each of these people have their own lives.

They may have been passing moments; background characters in my own story that didn't get a name or any recognition besides a fleeting glance, but in their own stories they were the main character.

"So, ready to go?" Natasha asked, sliding off the hood of the car. I did the same, pouring out the now melted snow cone I hadn't fully finished. As I turned I caught sight of a white and red sign, marking the location of a store I had gone to many times in search of birthday presents and christmas gifts.

"I have one more place I want to stop."

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