Chapter 2 - ???

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"So, what's with the magic body and tidings of death?" Natasha asked eventually, growing tired of the silence.

They had brought me into the compound and I now sat on a couch in the familiar living room, everyone watching me closely as if I might try to kill someone.

To be fair, I did say that four of them should be dead. I still held the belief that one should have stayed dead.

"They aren't tidings of death" I protested with a frown.

"They kind of are," Stark said and I growled, glaring at him. He caught my look and raised a brow. "You got something against me?"

"Vey much" I hissed, clenching and unclenching my fists.

"Stark maybe you should" Steve trailed off, shooing the billionare away with a wave of his hand and I glanced at the blonde gratefully.

After Stark left the room I relaxed noticeably, Natasha focused her attention on me. "Now, let's talk about...pretty much everything you've said."

"Okay, well I don't really know what to say" I shrugged, beginning to pick at my fingernail.

"Let's start with why you came. You said Wanda did something?" Steve asked and my gaze lingered on him a moment before turning away and nodding.

Seeing Steve again was hard, especially since I had heard of his condition. Over the years I spent with Wanda I had become decently close with Steve, especially during the span of time while we were on the run. He hadn't been in favor of me accompanying him at first but I refused to leave, desperate to help break Wanda out of The Raft. Not that I really did anything to help. After that, whenever it was just the two of us, we spoke often and I enjoyed hearing his stories about the war and introducing him to the pop culture moments he had missed while frozen.

I shook my head, pulling myself back to the present. Or, wherever this was.

"After the war at" I paused and looked around before waving my hands "well, here I suppose, she kind of took an entire town hostage, bringing Vision back."

"You've mentioned him twice, who is Vision?" Falcon asked and I frowned.

"Vision? Keeper of the fucking mind stone? Magenta colored toaster?" I prompted, getting nothing. "JARVIS?"


I jumped as Vision's disembodied voice sounded from the ceiling. "You're not FRIDAY" I murmured confusedly.

"I am not" Vision affirmed.

"Why would Wanda take over a town for Stark's home system?" Pietro questioned. 

"Well he's a person. Sort of. More like a robot. Anyway she and him got closer after..." I trailed off, my voice dropping and my brain flashing back to Sokovia.

"So you are saying I fell in love with a robot?" Wanda asked, scoffing in disbelief.

"Not at first. Honestly, I don't really know when it happened either but after The Raft you were different and you would talk about how the two of you were connected and how he was there for you." The words left a bitter taste in my mouth and I bit back a scowl, trying to move on. "Anyway, the snap in 2018-"

"2018?" Tony questioned, wandering back into the room.

"Yeah, 2018, comes five years before this one" I said sharply, my voice barely above a growl. 

"Uh, it comes two years after this one" Tony corrected and I felt as though everything in my body stopped working at once, forgetting my disdain for the man.

Variation - W.M. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora