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"I can't take it anymore. I have to cheat!"

"No dad! You can't!"

What? Oh! What kind of "cheat" did you think He was talking about? Never played M*nopoly with your dad and his parents?

"You're no son of mine if you can't win without cheating!" Grandpa Rocky announced with a smug look on his aged face.

Raymond, my dad only scowled at his own father.

My grandma Hattie on the other hand was playing c*ndy cr*sh on her little outdated phone.

I cleared my throat gaining the attention of the two.

"You sick honey?" My dad asked.

"No, I just think we should stop playing (before I go bankrupt) before a big fight happens." I state.

Grandma Hattie nodded her head agreeing with me, "You guys need to get started on dinner since you lost the game of U*O too."

Both of the men sulked into the kitchen while I giggled and got up from my seat making sure to pick up the game in the process.

While cleaning the mess I noticed the gaze of a certain silver haired woman on me.

"What is it Grandma?" I ask turning to look her in her deep brown eyes.

She shook her head slightly letting a light smile grace her face. "Nothing (reader) you just seem so much happier."

Huh? Happier?

"What do you mean?"

"Have you met anybody new? Someone you may love?" She asked tilting her head.

"Hm.. I wouldn't say love honestly, just someone I deeply trust. Maybe I will grow to love him? Who knows." I shrug and kept picking up the fake money.

"I forgot how levelheaded you were. You truly are just like... Tomiju." My grandma said mumbling the last part.


"Definitely not your father."



"Looking at all these i*stagram couples got me feelin' some type of way." I stated with a pout as I walked into the school building.

I went to my locker and changed into my indoor shoes, while changing shoes someone tapped my shoulder.

Turning around I notice a blue haired chick.

"Hi! I realized no one has talked to you since you got here! I'm Teruhashi Kokomi!" The glowing girl said happily with her hand out.

Damn I'm already meeting Teruhashi? How lucky!

"Hey, I'm Yamaguchi (Reader)!" I happily respond taking her hand in mine.

As Teruhashi kept talking to me I couldn't help but zone out, I felt a cold breeze that made my neck hairs stand up.

For some reason I feel like something bad is about to happen in the near future.

Or maybe not?

"What class are you in?" The girl asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, I've got the same class as you." I say giving a slight smile.

Teruhashi's expression changed a tad bit but I shook it off thinking it was because my little zoning out.

Teruhashi PoV

"I thought she had lost focus because of my beauty!" Teruhashi mumbled as they walked to class together.

"What's ya say?" (Yamaguchi) asked.

"Oh nothing! Just lost in thought!" I say waving my hands.

Hm.. something is a bit off about her, her eyes were darting all over the place! I thought it was because she was nervous but she didn't show any signs of it.

I was so lost in thought I almost missed the classroom!

Me! The prefect pretty girl!

"Hey are you okay?"

I felt her warm hands on my forehead, her (e/c) orbs laced in worry.

Her (h/c) hair bouncing at any slight movement.

"Oh wow."

A/N: Double update?? 🤭

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