Chapter 97:

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I turn to Xuan and smile at him.

'You ok?' He asks.

I nod.

Come on Dilara you've been strong for this long keep it going.

'This might be the last time you see me.' I say.

'Why?' He asks, looking concerned.

'I'm talking to you as my best friend right now,' I explain. 'But I want to leave the mafia.'

'Why?' He asks.

'I don't think I can't be in it any longer,' I reply. 'I don't want to have anything to do with Adriano and this is a big part of his life.'

'You can't,' he says.

'Why not?' I ask.

'You're either in the mafia or you die,' he explains. 'Some of us are lucky enough to be chosen by other mafias.'

'Is that what you did?' I ask.

He nods.

'I'm sorry,' he mumbles.

'It's fine,' I reply.

Alessandro walks back into the room and I smile at him.

That smile quickly disappears when I see whose following him.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

'Oh come on,' I mutter.

'Xuan, why don't we leave them alone.' Alessandro says.

Dilara turns to Xuan and gives him a look that says don't leave me.

'Sorry,' he mutters before following Alessandro and closing the door behind him.

Dilara and I just stand there awkwardly and she looks at anything but me.

'Pazza,' I say softly.

Please look at me.

'Let's just get this over with,' she mutters.

'Dilara I'm so sorry for what I said the other night.' I explain. 'I know it was wrong and I know that it hurt you so much.'

I never wanted to hurt you.

She nibbles on her lip. She does that when she tries not to cry.

'And your birthday night,' I say. 'No excuse can remove what I did but all I can do is apologise.'

She looks up at me.

'What's going on?' She breathes. 'This isn't the Adriano I know and love.'

She starts crying and my heart aches for her.

'The Adriano I know, did face masks with me and watched Tinkerbell and loved the nickname even though he pretended to hate it.' She says, tears falling down her face.

I want to reach out to her so badly.

'The Adriano I loved would never ever think of bringing up my mum after seeing what I go through with her.' She sobs silently. 'The Adriano I loved watched mulan and thought of me.'


'This is all bullshit,' she mutters. 'Nothing makes sense.'

'If only you knew what was going on,' I say.

'Then tell me,' she pleads. 'Tell me what's going on and we can get through it together.'

'Brick by Brick,' I mutter.

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