Chapter 86:

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'How do you know he's alive?' Alessandro asks.

I continue dancing with this new man, not paying the slightest bit of attention to him.

'He contacted me,' Vittoria replies.

This can't be true.

It's impossible, I saw his body.


They don't say anything into the earpiece until Xuan speaks.

'You have to be fucking with us,' he says.

'Shit, we're not muted.' She says before I hear some static.

She's muted herself.

I look behind, the tall man and see Zoya and Alora talking to each other.

I need to go to them.

'I've enjoyed,' I say to the man. 'But I'm going to take a break.'

'How about I get you a drink?' He asks.

His voice sends shivers down my spine.

'No thank you,' I reply.

I try to move away, but he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer.

'Sir, let go of me,' I snap.

He leans down, and brushes a stray piece of hair from my forehead.

His breath tickles my ear.

'Have you not missed me pazza?' He whispers. 'This isn't the welcoming I was expecting.'

My heart stops.


My eyes instantly go to his and I gasp.

Those grey eyes are his.

The ones I've missed so much.

'Adriano,' I gasp.

I go to hug him and he stops me.

'Let's go where we're not going to be watched.' He says.

He nods and we go down one of the corridors of the ballroom, leading to the bathrooms.

When we're sure that we're alone, Adriano takes off his mask and I remove mine.

I hug him, and he hugs me back tighter. I feel tears fall down my cheeks, and I cling onto him.

His familiar scent hits me and I relax into him.

'Mi sei mancata così tanto mia pazza ragazza,' he says before putting his lips on mine.

Translation: I've missed you so much my crazy girl.

I kiss him back softly and he puts his hands on my waist pulling me in even more.

'How is this even possible?' I mutter, resting my forehead on his.

'It's a long story,' he replies, cupping my face.

We let go of each other and I look at him. Really look at him.

'Please promise that you're not one of my nightmares,' I say, crying. 'Please tell me that you're not going to disappear.'

'I promise Dilara, I'm real and I'm never leaving your side again.' He replies, wiping my eyes .

'You pendejo!' I whisper shout.

Adriano looks at me confused.

'I cried over your dead body!' I say poking his chest. 'No note, no text, no sign of your survival!'

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