Chapter 69:

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During my journey home, it started to rain heavily.

I walk into the mansion and go into the kitchen. I'm still shaking from what happened at the mall.

I see Alessandro, Lorenzo, Terzo and Xuan.

'Hey, you're back early,' Lorenzo says.

I ignore him and grab a bottle of Tequila.

'What's up with her?' Terzo asks.

'What's up with me?' I snap. 'I called all four of you guys, and not one of you picked up, I needed you.'

'Oh shit,' Xuan mutters.

'I ended up having to call Raphael, they guy whose date you guys crashed.' I snap at their confused faces.

'Vittoria made us hand in our phones for a bugging check.' Alessandro explains. 'That's why we missed your call.'

'Whatever,' I reply. 'I'll be in my room if anyone needs me.'

I drink out of the bottle and walk to the door.

'Did anything happen?' Lorenzo asks.

'No.' I reply, 'Nothing.'

'Maybe I should check on her,' I hear Xuan say as I walk up the stairs.

My hoodie and jeans stick to my body and I have to peel them off me as I change.

I slip into a silk night dress, and brush out my hair.

Not long later, I hear a knock on the door.

'Come in,' I say.

Xuan walks in with two white bowls in his hand. He walks over to the bed and sits next to me.

'Cookies and ice cream always makes people feel better,' he says, handing me a bowl.

'Thanks,' I reply.

'So what happened!' Xuan asks. 'You've been shaking ever since you came home.'

I take a drink from the tequila and Xuan takes it out of my hand.

'The black man,' I reply. 'That hijo de puta,'

Translation: Son of a bitch

'He's till following you?' He asks.

'I was going to leave the changing room when he appeared in front of me.' I explain. 'He had a knife and I was trapped in a corner, I don't know why I didn't protect myself.'

'Where were Zoya and Alora?' Xuan asks.

'They were waiting for me to finish.' I fiddle with the bedsheets.

'I felt so useless, so vulnerable.'

'It's not your fault, your guard was down and you're grieving,' Xuan says. 'If it was any other day we both know you would've kicked his ass.'

I eat some of the ice cream he brought up for me.

A moment of silence passes between us and we don't make eye contact.

Xuan opens his mouth as to say something but closes it immediately.

We hear the front door close, meaning that Alora just got back.

'Dilara....' he says, making me finally look at him. I can see something stirring behind his dark eyes.

'Yeah?' I reply.

Alora knocks and then walks into my room with a shopping bag.

'I'll leave you guys too it,' Xuan says, clearing his throat and getting up.

Dilaraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن