"I like having you around."

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I sat up gagging. My throat was dry and painful, I was sweating profusely and my stomach twisted painfully. Now was a horrible time to get sick. Fever attacked my body as I laid back into the pillows as a hot flash hit me. "Fuck." I groaned out loud rolling onto my side and clutching my stomach. A warm hand touched my back. "Hey Michael." I managed to groan turning towards the man next to me. He was sitting up, head tilted to the side looking rather freaked out. "Infection I'm guessing. I feel like shit." I grumbled poking the bandages on my swollen arm, it was hot to the touch and painful. Michael carefully sat me up and took my arm eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he began to unwrap the white bandages. I hissed in pain as he touched the hot swollen skin. He pulled the bandages off and threw them to the side staring at the bite mark. The skin around the teeth marks was purple and black swollen and hot to the touch.  "This isn't good." I stated the obvious. It had only been a day since the attack, how quickly had this happened?

Michael kissed my hand looking at me with the most concerned look ever. "I'm hot but I'm fucking freezing but I'm also sweating." I tugged on the collar of Michael's shirt that he had put on me last night. I pulled it off looking at the scratches down my chest and stomach sighing and tossing the shirt to the side. Michael touched the dried blood that stained my chest and stomach. He quickly hopped from the bed and picked me up and carried me gently and holding me close. I shivered clinging to him. He walked towards the bathroom before setting me down on he counter. "What are you doing?" I groaned as a cramp in my stomach caused me to almost double over in pain. "Bath." He stated simply turning and messing with the faucet until it was what Michael deemed to be the perfect temperature. He put the plug in the drain before filling it with soap that he (probably) stole. Michael's eyes kept switching from watching me intently to glaces quickly back at the rising bubbly water. Michael was using his voice more which excited me.

After the bath was filled Michael walked back over to me and carried me towards the bath. He set my down and turned away from me to allow me to undress. I quickly did just that and sat down into the warm water. Soap covered my body and the scratches across my chest stung with the water. I leaned my head back against the wall of the back of the tub as Michael turned back towards me. He smiled seeing me relaxed for the first time in a bit. He sat down next to the tub reaching over and grabbing a bottle of shampoo before putting way too much on his hand. 'No wonder we go through soap so quickly.' I thought. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding when his hands gently massaged the soap into my scalp. "Thanks Mikey." I muttered as he began to wash my h/c hair. He nodded as he was carefully keeping the soap away from my eyes. His eyebrows furrowed as he worked oh so carefully. After a minute he took a cup and filled it water washing away the soap from my hair. The bath definitely was helping me feel better, however my nausea hadn't yet subsided. Once he was finished he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before handing me a red washcloth to wash my body.

For that Michael turned around to give me a small bit of privacy. Once I was finished I sighed leaning back and relaxing a bit. I looked at my bitten arm putting it on the tub edge. It was swollen with deep purple and black marks covering it. I touched my face feeling where I had hit my nose on the tree. It hurt when I touched it and I guessed it was bruised. "Michael." I called. His attention quickly snapped back to me eyes filled with worry. "Thank you for sparing me. And thank you for taking care of me. I honestly couldn't be more grateful." I almost began to cry as affection spilled from my heart. I knew Michael wasn't very good at conveying emotions nor really understanding them. I wondered if he truly had any idea about the way I felt. The man tilted his head as though trying to take in the words. After a moment he smiled before moving back to me and sitting close petting my hair softly. 'I like having you around.' He signed. I wasn't sure what Michael could possibly find that interesting in me, I certainly wasn't anything special.

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